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Modernize employee experience software for aged care workers

Improve communication and engagement between the diverse workforce, including caregivers, nurses, administrative staff, and more, to streamline efficient shift management with Empuls, an employee experience software for aged care.

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Improve work satisfaction and productivity within an organization with Empuls

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Celebrate their efforts to deliver and go above and beyond with collaborative effort

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Empower employees to drive active participation through surveys and feedback sessions

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Deliver a timely recognition to improve work ethics and morale

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Revolutionize the employee experience strengthened by a data-back approach and analytically induced tool

Integrate our employee experience software for aged care workers to enhance the overall work environment, job satisfaction, and productivity of the professional personnel in the care industry for a seamless operation.

Team feiert Deal-Sieg am Empuls

Kommunizieren und zusammenarbeiten

  • The aged care sector requires critical teamwork. Facilitate communication and collaboration between the staff of the care facility. 
  • Implement the usage of discussion forums, group chats, and document sharing through the social intranet platform to establish two-way communication between different caregiving departments. 
  • Provide comprehensive care to elderlies with Empuls using collaborative tools and its integration features to enhance teamwork among other staff members. 
Geburtstagsfeier für Surendar auf der Plattform für Mitarbeiterengagement Empuls

Informierte Entscheidung

  • Empuls have adopted a multi-pronged approach, combining feedback mechanisms, improved collaboration, and more to make informed decisions. 
  • Utilise eNPS and employee surveys to maintain regular feedback loops to gauge data about what makes the caregivers tick.
  • Implement concrete steps based on gauged data from the analytical dashboard at every touchpoint to improve the employee experience. 

Mitmachen und schätzen

  • With collaboration being the key element in providing desired care to the elderlies, redefine the meaning of compliance with Empuls through nudges and social actions.
  • Bring a sense of harmony in the nurturing atmosphere with peer connection and celebration through #cheerstopeers and other noteworthy activities.
  • Voice your concern through the centralized internal communication platform.


Funktioniert mit Ihren täglichen Arbeitsgeräten

Ihre Mitarbeiter navigieren bei der Arbeit bereits durch mehrere Tools. Wir haben es ihnen leicht gemacht, indem wir Empuls mit Ihren alltäglichen Tools für Zusammenarbeit, HRIS/HRMS/HCM und Single Sign-On integriert haben.

Alle Integrationen anzeigen

Seamlessness has adopted a new meaning with Empuls


Verbesserung des Net Promoter Score der Mitarbeiter


Arbeitnehmer bleiben eher an Arbeitsplätzen mit Anreizen


Umsatzwachstum des Unternehmens


Höhere Werte für die Kundenzufriedenheit


Die Mitarbeiter haben ein besseres Verständnis für die Vision, die Ziele und die Werte des Unternehmens


Die Mitarbeiter fühlen sich mehr wertgeschätzt und anerkannt

Effektive Kommunikation am Arbeitsplatz
Ausgewählte Ressource

Revolutionizing employee experience in the modern workplace

Essentialize positive employee experience for your organizational success with our guide on employee experience. Our key takeaways include how to improve engagement, job satisfaction, and retention.

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Anerkannt von Marktexperten