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✨ Verpassen Sie es nicht! Melden Sie sich für unser Webinar zum Thema Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit am 29. Februar an.🎖️

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Employee engagement software for event management industry

Build a company culture that’s driven by engagement with our employee engagement software for event management industry. Ignite passion, foster collaboration, and celebrate successes with our powerful features designed to enhance the unique dynamics of your events team.

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Help event organizers build a collaborative yet interactive environment

Pflegen Sie Ihre einzigartige Kultur

Create a people-first culture that translates into a great workplace experience and improved organizational performance

Verbesserte Mitarbeitererfahrung

Holistically improve the employee experience at every stage in their journey with your organization, from onboarding to exit

Binden Sie Ihre besten Talente

Show people you truly value them, through regular appreciation, feedback, and communication, so they stay long term in your company

Erkunden Sie empuls

Rectify the gaps in productivity and engagement with our employee engagement software for event management industry

Break the barriers of managing events with a highly effective employee engagement software for event management. Whether managing virtual events or on-site events, streamlining internal communication between teams, analyzing event coordinators' expectations through surveys, and providing rewards and benefits become easier with our platform.

Team feiert Deal-Sieg am Empuls

Connect & align your event team

Strengthen internal communication within the event team via social intranet. 

  • Establish a centralized communication platform for seamless collaboration.
  • Keep your event team aligned with real-time updates, schedules, and important announcements.
  • Ensure everyone is on the same page with aligned objectives and targets.
  • Foster a sense of unity and purpose among your event professionals.
Geburtstagsfeier für Surendar auf der Plattform für Mitarbeiterengagement Empuls

Listen & act on employee feedback

Create personalized surveys for your employees at scale with our SaaS platform. 

  • Open channels for constructive feedback on events, processes, and team dynamics.
  • Gain valuable insights to continuously improve the event planning and execution process.
  • Leverage real-time analytics to identify trends and areas for enhancement.
  • Empower your team to implement changes that make a positive impact.

Recognize & reward exceptional performance

Empower everyone to create a culture of appreciation and give visibility to everyone’s efforts.

  • Celebrate the success of your event professionals with personalized acknowledgments.
  • Build a positive and motivating work culture through frequent recognition.
  • Implement reward systems that inspire and drive excellence.
  • Recognize outstanding contributions to events, fostering a culture of achievement.

Funktioniert mit Ihren täglichen Arbeitsgeräten

Ihre Mitarbeiter navigieren bei der Arbeit bereits durch mehrere Tools. Wir haben es ihnen leicht gemacht, indem wir Empuls mit Ihren alltäglichen Tools für Zusammenarbeit, HRIS/HRMS/HCM und Single Sign-On integriert haben.

Alle Integrationen anzeigen

Die Vorteile einer Investition in unsere Software zur Mitarbeiterbindung


Verbesserung des Net Promoter Score der Mitarbeiter


Arbeitnehmer bleiben eher an Arbeitsplätzen mit Anreizen


Umsatzwachstum des Unternehmens


Höhere Werte für die Kundenzufriedenheit


Die Mitarbeiter haben ein besseres Verständnis für die Vision, die Ziele und die Werte des Unternehmens


Die Mitarbeiter fühlen sich mehr wertgeschätzt und anerkannt

Effektive Kommunikation am Arbeitsplatz
Ausgewählte Ressource

Employee engagement calendar for 2024

Turn ideas into action with our employee engagement calendar for 2024!

Unsere Kunden lieben uns

Anerkannt von Marktexperten