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✨ Ne manquez pas cette occasion ! Inscrivez-vous à notre webinaire sur l'appréciation des employés prévu le 29 février.🎖️


Restaurant employee communication software to communicate with restaurant staff seamlessly

Streamline and elevate the way your restaurant team collaborates, coordinates, and excels with Xoxoday Empuls, the ultimate restaurant employee communication software. Unleash the potential of effective employee communication and empower your restaurant business today!

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Create a balanced communication mechanism with Xoxoday Empuls

Centralise internal communication

Ensure quality-driven internal communication between employees with improved connectivity.

Create employee network

By interacting via polls and surveys, restaurant staff can actively engage and communicate.

Share quality information

Provide quality information among restaurant staff through community groups and work groups.

Explorer empuls

Create an improved communication system between teams with Xoxoday Empuls restaurant employee communication software

Elevate productivity and boost engagement with our restaurant employee communication software. Seamlessly share crucial updates, information, and more to enhance employee communication. Transform your workplace dynamics into a communication-driven environment.

L'équipe célèbre la victoire de l'accord sur Empuls

Harmonize team dynamics by excelling at internal communication 

Create a positive work culture that resonates with your restaurant's ethos.

  • Design a work-specific communication tool, helping in providing important information like menu alerts, kitchen status, schedules, event notices, and more. 
  • Create a communicate mechanism that brings the restaurant staff together, aligning with company mission, vision, culture, and goals.
Célébration de l'anniversaire de Surendar sur la plateforme d'engagement des employés Empuls

Empower employees to collaborate with Xoxoday Empuls Social intranet 

Elevate your workplace with a refined communication technology, helping restaurant staff bond well together by celebrating milestones birthdays, and more. 

  • Encourage restaurant staff in proving anonymous feedback through surveys  
  • Harness the power of social intranet platform, helping in seamlessly sharing work insights, spark continuous improvement, and gather valuable feedback. 
  • Keep your team connected wheather they are in the kitchen, on the floor or working remotely.

Ignite effective employee connections across diverse groups

Transform collaboration into success stories by setting a benchmark for improved communication and connectivity. 

  • Share project updates within a dedicated employee communication software, helping in boosting employee productivity. 
  • Send real-time messages to your restaurant team members and departments effectively. 
  • From menu updates to shift changes, empower your team with the information they need, when they need it.

Fonctionne avec vos outils de travail quotidiens

Vos employés naviguent déjà entre plusieurs outils au travail. Nous leur avons facilité la tâche en intégrant Empuls à vos outils quotidiens de collaboration, SIRH/SGRH/HCM et d'authentification unique.

Voir toutes les intégrations

The perks of investing in our restaurant employee communication software


Amélioration du taux de recommandation net des employés


Les employés sont plus enclins à rester dans des lieux de travail stimulants.


Croissance des revenus de l'entreprise


Des scores plus élevés de satisfaction des clients


Les employés comprennent mieux la vision, les objectifs et les valeurs de l'entreprise.


Les employés se sentent plus valorisés et reconnus

Communication efficace sur le lieu de travail
Ressource en vedette

Scale restaurant communication with an effective social intranet

Find creative ways to strengthen quality communication with employees via restaurant employee communication software.

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