Améliorer la satisfaction des employés grâce à des récompenses automatisées Empuls


Les conversations sur l'intranet social ont augmenté en 5 mois


Récompenses liées aux performances 


Augmentation du nombre d'utilisateurs actifs mensuels


augmentation de l'engagement des employés 


l'augmentation des récompenses, des appréciations et des cadeaux


adoption de Empuls par les employés


adoption active de Empuls par les employés 


 ont répondu à l'enquête d'engagement en 7 jours


reconnaissances par les pairs partagées au cours des 6 derniers mois

Améliorer la satisfaction des employés grâce à des récompenses automatisées Empuls


adoption active de Empuls par les employés 


 ont répondu à l'enquête d'engagement en 7 jours


reconnaissances par les pairs partagées au cours des 6 derniers mois


Augmentation de l'adoption des paiements 


Augmentation des ventes unitaires en moins de 90 jours


Adoption de Compass par les équipes de vente

FCA India Automobiles Private Limited (FCAIPL), anciennement connue sous le nom de Fiat Group Automobiles India Private Limited, a été créée en 2012. La société a été créée pour la production de voitures et de moteurs pour les marques Fiat, Abarth et Jeep. C'est le neuvième plus grand constructeur automobile indien en termes de ventes en Inde. Il a été fondé en 1997 par Fiat S.p.A. et Tata Motors qui se sont associés pour produire des voitures pour les deux marques.

La société mère de FCAIPL, le groupe FCA, a été créée en octobre 2014 par la fusion de Chrysler Group et de Fiat S.p.A. Ce groupe mondial conçoit, élabore, fabrique et vend des véhicules et des pièces, services et systèmes de production connexes dans le monde entier. Ils exploitent 102 sites de fabrication et 46 centres de R&D et vendent par l'intermédiaire de concessionnaires et de distributeurs dans plus de 135 pays.

Shirin Varghese est directrice adjointe des ressources humaines chez FCA India. Elle est chargée de gérer l'engagement global des employés en mettant l'accent sur l'amélioration des récompenses, la conception de la rémunération et la gestion des performances des employés.

Récompenses et reconnaissance manuelles
La nature manuelle des récompenses et de la reconnaissance chez FCA India posait un problème important à toutes les parties prenantes impliquées dans le processus. Le processus existant impliquait que le supérieur immédiat recommande son subordonné pour une récompense afin de saluer un travail bien fait. Cette nomination passait ensuite par un processus d'approbation par courriel avant que la récompense ne soit décernée à l'employé.

Absence of Employee Milestone Automation
Before implementing Empuls, the team manually kept track of every employee milestone, which involved periodically reaching out to all employees to share potential milestone information. This error-prone and manually-intensive process significantly increased the work for the HR team. Misses in celebrating employee milestones led to employee dissatisfaction.

"Les employés qui n'ont pas été reconnus pour avoir franchi des étapes importantes dans leur carrière professionnelle sont restés déçus. Et le caractère manuel du processus de suivi des étapes était le principal responsable de ce mécontentement, car il entraînait de nombreuses erreurs de suivi.
-Shirin Varghese, directeur adjoint des ressources humaines chez FCA India.

Empuls for the Win
With Empuls's Rewards Automation feature, all these hassles disappeared instantly. Empuls solved more than one problem for the HR Team and FCA India. Every employee milestone, right from the time they join the firm to the time they exit it, was taken care of by Empuls. On the achievement of every employee milestone, reward points were automatically credited into their account. And this included professional milestones such as work anniversaries and personal events such as employee birthdays.

Increased Employee Satisfaction
In addition to automating rewards for recurring employee milestones, Empuls made it easy to celebrate special occasions such as a wedding or the birth of a baby with gifts and rewards. This now delivers a feel-good factor for all the employees and reduces the administrative hassle for people leaders. All this, combined with the timeliness of rewards and the variety of redemption options provided by Empuls, increased employee satisfaction and culminated in the team's biggest employee experience win.

Higher Engagement Levels
Every time an employee milestone achievement is highlighted on Empuls, peers across the organization are alerted about the event. Everyone is on the platform to celebrate and share their heartful wishes with the employee achieving the milestone. There is a similar excitement and engagement when new employees come on board. Employees actively welcome them to the team, which helps new hires get better acquainted with their teammates and peers.

Platform Bonus: Employee Surveys!
Another key feature of Empuls, which tipped the scales in its favor when FCA India was evaluating employee engagement platforms, was Empuls' Employee Surveys. The entire team loved that Empuls allowed HR to launch surveys within the platform and obtain employee feedback. They hadn't seen this feature earlier while evaluating other employee engagement platforms in the market.

"The survey feature of Empuls is being extensively used to obtain New Hire feedback on the onboarding processes." - Shirin Varghese, Deputy Manager, Human Resources at FCA India

Employees Survey Templates: Prebuilt
Before Empuls, the team relied extensively on Google Forms to collect feedback, which meant switching multiple platforms to complete the exercise each time a survey had to be run. And they also had to put in the additional effort of building these surveys from scratch for each use case. The HR team was delighted with the pre-built survey templates in Empuls, which could be used to launch different types of surveys in just minutes. 

Spearheading the Culture of Recognition with Empuls
FCA India has always been a staunch believer in the benefits of rewarding and recognizing its employees regularly. They roll out awards throughout the year ranging from spot awards to excellence awards and loyalty awards. The rollout of these awards is now being facilitated much more seamlessly through the Empuls Rewards platform, and the resulting motivation has ensured that their employee satisfaction levels always stay sky-high.

Prêt à commencer ?
Contacter les ventes

FCA India Automobiles Private Limited (FCAIPL), anciennement connue sous le nom de Fiat Group Automobiles India Private Limited, a été créée en 2012. La société a été créée pour la production de voitures et de moteurs pour les marques Fiat, Abarth et Jeep. C'est le neuvième plus grand constructeur automobile indien en termes de ventes en Inde. Il a été fondé en 1997 par Fiat S.p.A. et Tata Motors qui se sont associés pour produire des voitures pour les deux marques.

La société mère de FCAIPL, le groupe FCA, a été créée en octobre 2014 par la fusion de Chrysler Group et de Fiat S.p.A. Ce groupe mondial conçoit, élabore, fabrique et vend des véhicules et des pièces, services et systèmes de production connexes dans le monde entier. Ils exploitent 102 sites de fabrication et 46 centres de R&D et vendent par l'intermédiaire de concessionnaires et de distributeurs dans plus de 135 pays.

Shirin Varghese est directrice adjointe des ressources humaines chez FCA India. Elle est chargée de gérer l'engagement global des employés en mettant l'accent sur l'amélioration des récompenses, la conception de la rémunération et la gestion des performances des employés.

Récompenses et reconnaissance manuelles
La nature manuelle des récompenses et de la reconnaissance chez FCA India posait un problème important à toutes les parties prenantes impliquées dans le processus. Le processus existant impliquait que le supérieur immédiat recommande son subordonné pour une récompense afin de saluer un travail bien fait. Cette nomination passait ensuite par un processus d'approbation par courriel avant que la récompense ne soit décernée à l'employé.

Absence of Employee Milestone Automation
Before implementing Empuls, the team manually kept track of every employee milestone, which involved periodically reaching out to all employees to share potential milestone information. This error-prone and manually-intensive process significantly increased the work for the HR team. Misses in celebrating employee milestones led to employee dissatisfaction.

"Les employés qui n'ont pas été reconnus pour avoir franchi des étapes importantes dans leur carrière professionnelle sont restés déçus. Et le caractère manuel du processus de suivi des étapes était le principal responsable de ce mécontentement, car il entraînait de nombreuses erreurs de suivi.
-Shirin Varghese, directeur adjoint des ressources humaines chez FCA India.

Empuls for the Win
With Empuls's Rewards Automation feature, all these hassles disappeared instantly. Empuls solved more than one problem for the HR Team and FCA India. Every employee milestone, right from the time they join the firm to the time they exit it, was taken care of by Empuls. On the achievement of every employee milestone, reward points were automatically credited into their account. And this included professional milestones such as work anniversaries and personal events such as employee birthdays.

Increased Employee Satisfaction
In addition to automating rewards for recurring employee milestones, Empuls made it easy to celebrate special occasions such as a wedding or the birth of a baby with gifts and rewards. This now delivers a feel-good factor for all the employees and reduces the administrative hassle for people leaders. All this, combined with the timeliness of rewards and the variety of redemption options provided by Empuls, increased employee satisfaction and culminated in the team's biggest employee experience win.

Higher Engagement Levels
Every time an employee milestone achievement is highlighted on Empuls, peers across the organization are alerted about the event. Everyone is on the platform to celebrate and share their heartful wishes with the employee achieving the milestone. There is a similar excitement and engagement when new employees come on board. Employees actively welcome them to the team, which helps new hires get better acquainted with their teammates and peers.

Platform Bonus: Employee Surveys!
Another key feature of Empuls, which tipped the scales in its favor when FCA India was evaluating employee engagement platforms, was Empuls' Employee Surveys. The entire team loved that Empuls allowed HR to launch surveys within the platform and obtain employee feedback. They hadn't seen this feature earlier while evaluating other employee engagement platforms in the market.

"The survey feature of Empuls is being extensively used to obtain New Hire feedback on the onboarding processes." - Shirin Varghese, Deputy Manager, Human Resources at FCA India

Employees Survey Templates: Prebuilt
Before Empuls, the team relied extensively on Google Forms to collect feedback, which meant switching multiple platforms to complete the exercise each time a survey had to be run. And they also had to put in the additional effort of building these surveys from scratch for each use case. The HR team was delighted with the pre-built survey templates in Empuls, which could be used to launch different types of surveys in just minutes. 

Spearheading the Culture of Recognition with Empuls
FCA India has always been a staunch believer in the benefits of rewarding and recognizing its employees regularly. They roll out awards throughout the year ranging from spot awards to excellence awards and loyalty awards. The rollout of these awards is now being facilitated much more seamlessly through the Empuls Rewards platform, and the resulting motivation has ensured that their employee satisfaction levels always stay sky-high.

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Améliorer la satisfaction des employés grâce à des récompenses automatisées Empuls

Temps de lecture : 4 minutes
Image d'une usine de fabrication d'automobiles

FCA India Automobiles Private Limited (FCAIPL), anciennement connue sous le nom de Fiat Group Automobiles India Private Limited, a été créée en 2012. La société a été créée pour la production de voitures et de moteurs pour les marques Fiat, Abarth et Jeep. C'est le neuvième plus grand constructeur automobile indien en termes de ventes en Inde. Il a été fondé en 1997 par Fiat S.p.A. et Tata Motors qui se sont associés pour produire des voitures pour les deux marques.

La société mère de FCAIPL, le groupe FCA, a été créée en octobre 2014 par la fusion de Chrysler Group et de Fiat S.p.A. Ce groupe mondial conçoit, élabore, fabrique et vend des véhicules et des pièces, services et systèmes de production connexes dans le monde entier. Ils exploitent 102 sites de fabrication et 46 centres de R&D et vendent par l'intermédiaire de concessionnaires et de distributeurs dans plus de 135 pays.

Shirin Varghese est directrice adjointe des ressources humaines chez FCA India. Elle est chargée de gérer l'engagement global des employés en mettant l'accent sur l'amélioration des récompenses, la conception de la rémunération et la gestion des performances des employés.

Récompenses et reconnaissance manuelles
La nature manuelle des récompenses et de la reconnaissance chez FCA India posait un problème important à toutes les parties prenantes impliquées dans le processus. Le processus existant impliquait que le supérieur immédiat recommande son subordonné pour une récompense afin de saluer un travail bien fait. Cette nomination passait ensuite par un processus d'approbation par courriel avant que la récompense ne soit décernée à l'employé.

Absence of Employee Milestone Automation
Before implementing Empuls, the team manually kept track of every employee milestone, which involved periodically reaching out to all employees to share potential milestone information. This error-prone and manually-intensive process significantly increased the work for the HR team. Misses in celebrating employee milestones led to employee dissatisfaction.

"Les employés qui n'ont pas été reconnus pour avoir franchi des étapes importantes dans leur carrière professionnelle sont restés déçus. Et le caractère manuel du processus de suivi des étapes était le principal responsable de ce mécontentement, car il entraînait de nombreuses erreurs de suivi.
-Shirin Varghese, directeur adjoint des ressources humaines chez FCA India.

Empuls for the Win
With Empuls's Rewards Automation feature, all these hassles disappeared instantly. Empuls solved more than one problem for the HR Team and FCA India. Every employee milestone, right from the time they join the firm to the time they exit it, was taken care of by Empuls. On the achievement of every employee milestone, reward points were automatically credited into their account. And this included professional milestones such as work anniversaries and personal events such as employee birthdays.

Increased Employee Satisfaction
In addition to automating rewards for recurring employee milestones, Empuls made it easy to celebrate special occasions such as a wedding or the birth of a baby with gifts and rewards. This now delivers a feel-good factor for all the employees and reduces the administrative hassle for people leaders. All this, combined with the timeliness of rewards and the variety of redemption options provided by Empuls, increased employee satisfaction and culminated in the team's biggest employee experience win.

Higher Engagement Levels
Every time an employee milestone achievement is highlighted on Empuls, peers across the organization are alerted about the event. Everyone is on the platform to celebrate and share their heartful wishes with the employee achieving the milestone. There is a similar excitement and engagement when new employees come on board. Employees actively welcome them to the team, which helps new hires get better acquainted with their teammates and peers.

Platform Bonus: Employee Surveys!
Another key feature of Empuls, which tipped the scales in its favor when FCA India was evaluating employee engagement platforms, was Empuls' Employee Surveys. The entire team loved that Empuls allowed HR to launch surveys within the platform and obtain employee feedback. They hadn't seen this feature earlier while evaluating other employee engagement platforms in the market.

"The survey feature of Empuls is being extensively used to obtain New Hire feedback on the onboarding processes." - Shirin Varghese, Deputy Manager, Human Resources at FCA India

Employees Survey Templates: Prebuilt
Before Empuls, the team relied extensively on Google Forms to collect feedback, which meant switching multiple platforms to complete the exercise each time a survey had to be run. And they also had to put in the additional effort of building these surveys from scratch for each use case. The HR team was delighted with the pre-built survey templates in Empuls, which could be used to launch different types of surveys in just minutes. 

Spearheading the Culture of Recognition with Empuls
FCA India has always been a staunch believer in the benefits of rewarding and recognizing its employees regularly. They roll out awards throughout the year ranging from spot awards to excellence awards and loyalty awards. The rollout of these awards is now being facilitated much more seamlessly through the Empuls Rewards platform, and the resulting motivation has ensured that their employee satisfaction levels always stay sky-high.

Pune, Maharashtra, Inde
Récompenses pour les employés
Satisfaction des employés
Automatisation des récompenses

Le saviez-vous ?

EmpulsLa plateforme d'intranet social a de nombreux cas d'utilisation pour votre organisation, allant des groupes d'intérêt à la reconnaissance par les pairs et aux récompenses automatisées. Contactez-nous pour découvrir comment nous pouvons vous aider à mieux impliquer vos employés.

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Global Empuls customer


Les personnes auxquelles les dirigeants font confiance Empuls


Reduced HR and admin efforts

FCA India Automobiles Private Limited (FCAIPL), anciennement connue sous le nom de Fiat Group Automobiles India Private Limited, a été créée en 2012. La société a été créée pour la production de voitures et de moteurs pour les marques Fiat, Abarth et Jeep. C'est le neuvième plus grand constructeur automobile indien en termes de ventes en Inde. Il a été fondé en 1997 par Fiat S.p.A. et Tata Motors qui se sont associés pour produire des voitures pour les deux marques.

La société mère de FCAIPL, le groupe FCA, a été créée en octobre 2014 par la fusion de Chrysler Group et de Fiat S.p.A. Ce groupe mondial conçoit, élabore, fabrique et vend des véhicules et des pièces, services et systèmes de production connexes dans le monde entier. Ils exploitent 102 sites de fabrication et 46 centres de R&D et vendent par l'intermédiaire de concessionnaires et de distributeurs dans plus de 135 pays.

Shirin Varghese est directrice adjointe des ressources humaines chez FCA India. Elle est chargée de gérer l'engagement global des employés en mettant l'accent sur l'amélioration des récompenses, la conception de la rémunération et la gestion des performances des employés.

Récompenses et reconnaissance manuelles
La nature manuelle des récompenses et de la reconnaissance chez FCA India posait un problème important à toutes les parties prenantes impliquées dans le processus. Le processus existant impliquait que le supérieur immédiat recommande son subordonné pour une récompense afin de saluer un travail bien fait. Cette nomination passait ensuite par un processus d'approbation par courriel avant que la récompense ne soit décernée à l'employé.

Absence of Employee Milestone Automation
Before implementing Empuls, the team manually kept track of every employee milestone, which involved periodically reaching out to all employees to share potential milestone information. This error-prone and manually-intensive process significantly increased the work for the HR team. Misses in celebrating employee milestones led to employee dissatisfaction.

"Les employés qui n'ont pas été reconnus pour avoir franchi des étapes importantes dans leur carrière professionnelle sont restés déçus. Et le caractère manuel du processus de suivi des étapes était le principal responsable de ce mécontentement, car il entraînait de nombreuses erreurs de suivi.
-Shirin Varghese, directeur adjoint des ressources humaines chez FCA India.

Empuls for the Win
With Empuls's Rewards Automation feature, all these hassles disappeared instantly. Empuls solved more than one problem for the HR Team and FCA India. Every employee milestone, right from the time they join the firm to the time they exit it, was taken care of by Empuls. On the achievement of every employee milestone, reward points were automatically credited into their account. And this included professional milestones such as work anniversaries and personal events such as employee birthdays.

Increased Employee Satisfaction
In addition to automating rewards for recurring employee milestones, Empuls made it easy to celebrate special occasions such as a wedding or the birth of a baby with gifts and rewards. This now delivers a feel-good factor for all the employees and reduces the administrative hassle for people leaders. All this, combined with the timeliness of rewards and the variety of redemption options provided by Empuls, increased employee satisfaction and culminated in the team's biggest employee experience win.

Higher Engagement Levels
Every time an employee milestone achievement is highlighted on Empuls, peers across the organization are alerted about the event. Everyone is on the platform to celebrate and share their heartful wishes with the employee achieving the milestone. There is a similar excitement and engagement when new employees come on board. Employees actively welcome them to the team, which helps new hires get better acquainted with their teammates and peers.

Platform Bonus: Employee Surveys!
Another key feature of Empuls, which tipped the scales in its favor when FCA India was evaluating employee engagement platforms, was Empuls' Employee Surveys. The entire team loved that Empuls allowed HR to launch surveys within the platform and obtain employee feedback. They hadn't seen this feature earlier while evaluating other employee engagement platforms in the market.

"The survey feature of Empuls is being extensively used to obtain New Hire feedback on the onboarding processes." - Shirin Varghese, Deputy Manager, Human Resources at FCA India

Employees Survey Templates: Prebuilt
Before Empuls, the team relied extensively on Google Forms to collect feedback, which meant switching multiple platforms to complete the exercise each time a survey had to be run. And they also had to put in the additional effort of building these surveys from scratch for each use case. The HR team was delighted with the pre-built survey templates in Empuls, which could be used to launch different types of surveys in just minutes. 

Spearheading the Culture of Recognition with Empuls
FCA India has always been a staunch believer in the benefits of rewarding and recognizing its employees regularly. They roll out awards throughout the year ranging from spot awards to excellence awards and loyalty awards. The rollout of these awards is now being facilitated much more seamlessly through the Empuls Rewards platform, and the resulting motivation has ensured that their employee satisfaction levels always stay sky-high.


Global Empuls customer


Les personnes auxquelles les dirigeants font confiance Empuls


Reduced HR and admin effor

FCA India Automobiles Private Limited (FCAIPL), anciennement connue sous le nom de Fiat Group Automobiles India Private Limited, a été créée en 2012. La société a été créée pour la production de voitures et de moteurs pour les marques Fiat, Abarth et Jeep. C'est le neuvième plus grand constructeur automobile indien en termes de ventes en Inde. Il a été fondé en 1997 par Fiat S.p.A. et Tata Motors qui se sont associés pour produire des voitures pour les deux marques.

La société mère de FCAIPL, le groupe FCA, a été créée en octobre 2014 par la fusion de Chrysler Group et de Fiat S.p.A. Ce groupe mondial conçoit, élabore, fabrique et vend des véhicules et des pièces, services et systèmes de production connexes dans le monde entier. Ils exploitent 102 sites de fabrication et 46 centres de R&D et vendent par l'intermédiaire de concessionnaires et de distributeurs dans plus de 135 pays.

Shirin Varghese est directrice adjointe des ressources humaines chez FCA India. Elle est chargée de gérer l'engagement global des employés en mettant l'accent sur l'amélioration des récompenses, la conception de la rémunération et la gestion des performances des employés.

Récompenses et reconnaissance manuelles
La nature manuelle des récompenses et de la reconnaissance chez FCA India posait un problème important à toutes les parties prenantes impliquées dans le processus. Le processus existant impliquait que le supérieur immédiat recommande son subordonné pour une récompense afin de saluer un travail bien fait. Cette nomination passait ensuite par un processus d'approbation par courriel avant que la récompense ne soit décernée à l'employé.

Absence of Employee Milestone Automation
Before implementing Empuls, the team manually kept track of every employee milestone, which involved periodically reaching out to all employees to share potential milestone information. This error-prone and manually-intensive process significantly increased the work for the HR team. Misses in celebrating employee milestones led to employee dissatisfaction.

"Les employés qui n'ont pas été reconnus pour avoir franchi des étapes importantes dans leur carrière professionnelle sont restés déçus. Et le caractère manuel du processus de suivi des étapes était le principal responsable de ce mécontentement, car il entraînait de nombreuses erreurs de suivi.
-Shirin Varghese, directeur adjoint des ressources humaines chez FCA India.

Empuls for the Win
With Empuls's Rewards Automation feature, all these hassles disappeared instantly. Empuls solved more than one problem for the HR Team and FCA India. Every employee milestone, right from the time they join the firm to the time they exit it, was taken care of by Empuls. On the achievement of every employee milestone, reward points were automatically credited into their account. And this included professional milestones such as work anniversaries and personal events such as employee birthdays.

Increased Employee Satisfaction
In addition to automating rewards for recurring employee milestones, Empuls made it easy to celebrate special occasions such as a wedding or the birth of a baby with gifts and rewards. This now delivers a feel-good factor for all the employees and reduces the administrative hassle for people leaders. All this, combined with the timeliness of rewards and the variety of redemption options provided by Empuls, increased employee satisfaction and culminated in the team's biggest employee experience win.

Higher Engagement Levels
Every time an employee milestone achievement is highlighted on Empuls, peers across the organization are alerted about the event. Everyone is on the platform to celebrate and share their heartful wishes with the employee achieving the milestone. There is a similar excitement and engagement when new employees come on board. Employees actively welcome them to the team, which helps new hires get better acquainted with their teammates and peers.

Platform Bonus: Employee Surveys!
Another key feature of Empuls, which tipped the scales in its favor when FCA India was evaluating employee engagement platforms, was Empuls' Employee Surveys. The entire team loved that Empuls allowed HR to launch surveys within the platform and obtain employee feedback. They hadn't seen this feature earlier while evaluating other employee engagement platforms in the market.

"The survey feature of Empuls is being extensively used to obtain New Hire feedback on the onboarding processes." - Shirin Varghese, Deputy Manager, Human Resources at FCA India

Employees Survey Templates: Prebuilt
Before Empuls, the team relied extensively on Google Forms to collect feedback, which meant switching multiple platforms to complete the exercise each time a survey had to be run. And they also had to put in the additional effort of building these surveys from scratch for each use case. The HR team was delighted with the pre-built survey templates in Empuls, which could be used to launch different types of surveys in just minutes. 

Spearheading the Culture of Recognition with Empuls
FCA India has always been a staunch believer in the benefits of rewarding and recognizing its employees regularly. They roll out awards throughout the year ranging from spot awards to excellence awards and loyalty awards. The rollout of these awards is now being facilitated much more seamlessly through the Empuls Rewards platform, and the resulting motivation has ensured that their employee satisfaction levels always stay sky-high.