تحسين درجات مشاركة الموظفين من خلال المكافآت والتقدير على Empuls


ارتفعت محادثات الإنترانت الاجتماعية في 5 أشهر


المكافآت المرتبطة بالجوائز القائمة على الأداء 


زيادة في التبني النشط الشهري من قبل المستخدمين


زيادة في مشاركة الموظفين 


نمو في الجوائز والتقديرات والهدايا


اعتماد Empuls من قبل الموظفين


التبني النشط ل Empuls من قبل الموظفين 


 أكملت استبيان المشاركة في 7 أيام


اعترافات الأقران التي تمت مشاركتها في آخر 6 أشهر

تحسين درجات مشاركة الموظفين من خلال المكافآت والتقدير على Empuls


التبني النشط ل Empuls من قبل الموظفين 


 أكملت استبيان المشاركة في 7 أيام


اعترافات الأقران التي تمت مشاركتها في آخر 6 أشهر


زيادة في اعتماد المدفوعات 


زيادة مبيعات الوحدات في أقل من 90 يوما


اعتماد Compass من قبل فرق المبيعات

أسس بات ماكلوسكي وبات بولاند ANCA في عام 1974 ، عندما استبدلوا عناصر التحكم العددية السلكية الصلبة لآلة الطحن الآلية بجهاز كمبيوتر. لدى ANCA حاليا أكثر من 1000 موظف في جميع أنحاء العالم وهي شركة رائدة في تصنيع آلات CNC والضوابط مع العملاء في أكثر من 45 دولة. لقد حققوا إيرادات تزيد عن 209 مليون دولار أمريكي للسنة المالية 2018-2019.يقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة Anca الآسيوية في بنغالور ، الهند ، وتدير الهندسة والبحث والتطوير والمبيعات والخدمات لآلات CNC الخاصة بها في آسيا.

يقود روكميني ديفاكار وظيفة إدارة الموارد البشرية في ANCA Machine Tools. وهي تعمل من أجل ضمان تجربة شاملة للموظفين للجميع في Anca وتقودها من خلال مشاركة الموظفين وتقديرهم ومكافآتهم من البداية إلى النهاية.

تنظيم عملية المكافأة
كان لدى Anca عملية إشراك الموظفين التي تركزت حول الأحداث الثقافية الكبرى والوظائف المكتبية. ولم ترق عملية المكافآت والتقدير القائمة إلى أن تكون مستمرة وشفافة تماما. وكان هناك أيضا نقص في منصة مكافآت متكاملة وقوية. كانت هناك حاجة ماسة لتنظيم عملية المكافأة وبالتالي جعل مكان العمل أكثر انخراطا وتبسيطا.

Automation of Rewards
The features that Empuls offered Anca was exactly solving the problems they were in search of. The rewards automation feature addressed the issue of incoherent rewarding and the catalogue provided an extensive range of options for redemption. Even the robust user interface offered them ease of use and required functionality.

Smooth Sales Process
The first rewards and recognition service provider that Anca evaluated was Empuls and it was the last. The seamless process of demonstrations and discussions with the Empuls team was a great prelude to the association. The team members interacted with Anca proactively and addressed all their concerns.

Dedicated customer support
Empuls promised and provided dedicated customer support to not just the HR team, but also the employees for the redemption process. The vast categories in the Empuls catalogue, would bring with it considerable doubts on the process of redemption. This was particularly why the customer support during redemption was important.

“In fact, we did not evaluate anybody else because Empuls gave us exactly what we wanted. The team came in and gave a presentation on how it works. All I had to do now was coordinate with only one point-of-contact and the rest was taken care of.”-Rukmini Divakar, HR Manager - Asia, ANCA Machine Tools

90% faster rewarding process
The reward automation feature in Empuls drastically reduced the amount of time required to implement a rewards process. The HR manager had to preset the rewarding criteria and the  recipients were automatically awarded points accordingly. There were options to define even the customisation requirements - depending on the event of the rewards. Instead of the HR manager painstakingly trying to choose an apt reward, the employees could now choose a reward of their choice from the extensive rewards catalogue.

100% increase in Employee Engagement scores
The nomination workflow and the reward automation feature of the Empuls  platform brought about consistency and frequency in the rewarding process. Anca monitors the engagement levels of the employees by conducting regular employee engagement surveys. After  the Empuls implementation, there has been a stark 100% increase in the engagement scores.

80% of Employees turned into promoters
The greatest takeaway of the Empuls implementation was that it won the hearts of the employees. The extensive redemption catalogue provided them with aspirational options to redeem their rewards. Additionally, the increased frequency of rewarding made them feel that their work efforts were valued better. The employees were surveyed for their affinity towards the Empuls platform and amazingly, 80% of them scored themselves as ‘promoters’.

Summing up the Journey
The Empuls  platform helped Anca to drastically increase employee engagement by increasing the frequency, consistency and transparency of rewards. Xoxoday platform’s usability and extensive catalogue showed great acceptance amongst employees and in turn helped further drive engagement scores.

هل أنت مستعد للبدء؟
الاتصال بالمبيعات

أسس بات ماكلوسكي وبات بولاند ANCA في عام 1974 ، عندما استبدلوا عناصر التحكم العددية السلكية الصلبة لآلة الطحن الآلية بجهاز كمبيوتر. لدى ANCA حاليا أكثر من 1000 موظف في جميع أنحاء العالم وهي شركة رائدة في تصنيع آلات CNC والضوابط مع العملاء في أكثر من 45 دولة. لقد حققوا إيرادات تزيد عن 209 مليون دولار أمريكي للسنة المالية 2018-2019.يقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة Anca الآسيوية في بنغالور ، الهند ، وتدير الهندسة والبحث والتطوير والمبيعات والخدمات لآلات CNC الخاصة بها في آسيا.

يقود روكميني ديفاكار وظيفة إدارة الموارد البشرية في ANCA Machine Tools. وهي تعمل من أجل ضمان تجربة شاملة للموظفين للجميع في Anca وتقودها من خلال مشاركة الموظفين وتقديرهم ومكافآتهم من البداية إلى النهاية.

تنظيم عملية المكافأة
كان لدى Anca عملية إشراك الموظفين التي تركزت حول الأحداث الثقافية الكبرى والوظائف المكتبية. ولم ترق عملية المكافآت والتقدير القائمة إلى أن تكون مستمرة وشفافة تماما. وكان هناك أيضا نقص في منصة مكافآت متكاملة وقوية. كانت هناك حاجة ماسة لتنظيم عملية المكافأة وبالتالي جعل مكان العمل أكثر انخراطا وتبسيطا.

Automation of Rewards
The features that Empuls offered Anca was exactly solving the problems they were in search of. The rewards automation feature addressed the issue of incoherent rewarding and the catalogue provided an extensive range of options for redemption. Even the robust user interface offered them ease of use and required functionality.

Smooth Sales Process
The first rewards and recognition service provider that Anca evaluated was Empuls and it was the last. The seamless process of demonstrations and discussions with the Empuls team was a great prelude to the association. The team members interacted with Anca proactively and addressed all their concerns.

Dedicated customer support
Empuls promised and provided dedicated customer support to not just the HR team, but also the employees for the redemption process. The vast categories in the Empuls catalogue, would bring with it considerable doubts on the process of redemption. This was particularly why the customer support during redemption was important.

“In fact, we did not evaluate anybody else because Empuls gave us exactly what we wanted. The team came in and gave a presentation on how it works. All I had to do now was coordinate with only one point-of-contact and the rest was taken care of.”-Rukmini Divakar, HR Manager - Asia, ANCA Machine Tools

90% faster rewarding process
The reward automation feature in Empuls drastically reduced the amount of time required to implement a rewards process. The HR manager had to preset the rewarding criteria and the  recipients were automatically awarded points accordingly. There were options to define even the customisation requirements - depending on the event of the rewards. Instead of the HR manager painstakingly trying to choose an apt reward, the employees could now choose a reward of their choice from the extensive rewards catalogue.

100% increase in Employee Engagement scores
The nomination workflow and the reward automation feature of the Empuls  platform brought about consistency and frequency in the rewarding process. Anca monitors the engagement levels of the employees by conducting regular employee engagement surveys. After  the Empuls implementation, there has been a stark 100% increase in the engagement scores.

80% of Employees turned into promoters
The greatest takeaway of the Empuls implementation was that it won the hearts of the employees. The extensive redemption catalogue provided them with aspirational options to redeem their rewards. Additionally, the increased frequency of rewarding made them feel that their work efforts were valued better. The employees were surveyed for their affinity towards the Empuls platform and amazingly, 80% of them scored themselves as ‘promoters’.

Summing up the Journey
The Empuls  platform helped Anca to drastically increase employee engagement by increasing the frequency, consistency and transparency of rewards. Xoxoday platform’s usability and extensive catalogue showed great acceptance amongst employees and in turn helped further drive engagement scores.

حدد موعدا لعرض توضيحي مع خبير الثقافة لدينا

نريد أن نتعرف على ثقافتك. دعنا نناقش كيف يمكننا مناقشة برنامج الاعتراف في شركتك

تحسين درجات مشاركة الموظفين من خلال المكافآت والتقدير على Empuls

وقت القراءة: 3 دقائق
أداة آلة ثقيلة

أسس بات ماكلوسكي وبات بولاند ANCA في عام 1974 ، عندما استبدلوا عناصر التحكم العددية السلكية الصلبة لآلة الطحن الآلية بجهاز كمبيوتر. لدى ANCA حاليا أكثر من 1000 موظف في جميع أنحاء العالم وهي شركة رائدة في تصنيع آلات CNC والضوابط مع العملاء في أكثر من 45 دولة. لقد حققوا إيرادات تزيد عن 209 مليون دولار أمريكي للسنة المالية 2018-2019.يقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة Anca الآسيوية في بنغالور ، الهند ، وتدير الهندسة والبحث والتطوير والمبيعات والخدمات لآلات CNC الخاصة بها في آسيا.

يقود روكميني ديفاكار وظيفة إدارة الموارد البشرية في ANCA Machine Tools. وهي تعمل من أجل ضمان تجربة شاملة للموظفين للجميع في Anca وتقودها من خلال مشاركة الموظفين وتقديرهم ومكافآتهم من البداية إلى النهاية.

تنظيم عملية المكافأة
كان لدى Anca عملية إشراك الموظفين التي تركزت حول الأحداث الثقافية الكبرى والوظائف المكتبية. ولم ترق عملية المكافآت والتقدير القائمة إلى أن تكون مستمرة وشفافة تماما. وكان هناك أيضا نقص في منصة مكافآت متكاملة وقوية. كانت هناك حاجة ماسة لتنظيم عملية المكافأة وبالتالي جعل مكان العمل أكثر انخراطا وتبسيطا.

Automation of Rewards
The features that Empuls offered Anca was exactly solving the problems they were in search of. The rewards automation feature addressed the issue of incoherent rewarding and the catalogue provided an extensive range of options for redemption. Even the robust user interface offered them ease of use and required functionality.

Smooth Sales Process
The first rewards and recognition service provider that Anca evaluated was Empuls and it was the last. The seamless process of demonstrations and discussions with the Empuls team was a great prelude to the association. The team members interacted with Anca proactively and addressed all their concerns.

Dedicated customer support
Empuls promised and provided dedicated customer support to not just the HR team, but also the employees for the redemption process. The vast categories in the Empuls catalogue, would bring with it considerable doubts on the process of redemption. This was particularly why the customer support during redemption was important.

“In fact, we did not evaluate anybody else because Empuls gave us exactly what we wanted. The team came in and gave a presentation on how it works. All I had to do now was coordinate with only one point-of-contact and the rest was taken care of.”-Rukmini Divakar, HR Manager - Asia, ANCA Machine Tools

90% faster rewarding process
The reward automation feature in Empuls drastically reduced the amount of time required to implement a rewards process. The HR manager had to preset the rewarding criteria and the  recipients were automatically awarded points accordingly. There were options to define even the customisation requirements - depending on the event of the rewards. Instead of the HR manager painstakingly trying to choose an apt reward, the employees could now choose a reward of their choice from the extensive rewards catalogue.

100% increase in Employee Engagement scores
The nomination workflow and the reward automation feature of the Empuls  platform brought about consistency and frequency in the rewarding process. Anca monitors the engagement levels of the employees by conducting regular employee engagement surveys. After  the Empuls implementation, there has been a stark 100% increase in the engagement scores.

80% of Employees turned into promoters
The greatest takeaway of the Empuls implementation was that it won the hearts of the employees. The extensive redemption catalogue provided them with aspirational options to redeem their rewards. Additionally, the increased frequency of rewarding made them feel that their work efforts were valued better. The employees were surveyed for their affinity towards the Empuls platform and amazingly, 80% of them scored themselves as ‘promoters’.

Summing up the Journey
The Empuls  platform helped Anca to drastically increase employee engagement by increasing the frequency, consistency and transparency of rewards. Xoxoday platform’s usability and extensive catalogue showed great acceptance amongst employees and in turn helped further drive engagement scores.

ملبورن, فيكتوريا, أستراليا
EMPULS المستعملون
درجة المشاركة الإجمالية/
المقاييس ذات الصلة
الانخفاض العام في
زيادة في المنصة
معدل التبني
استبدال المكافآت
النسبه المئويه
الاستخدام العام لمنصة الموظفين
استبيانات الموظفين
الثقافة والقيم

هل تعلم؟

Empuls يحتوي Employee Engagement Platform على حالات استخدام متعددة لمؤسستك تتراوح من الإنترانت الاجتماعية إلى التعرف على الأقران والمكافآت الآلية والاستطلاعات. تحدث إلينا لمعرفة المزيد حول كيف يمكننا مساعدتك في إشراك موظفيك بشكل أفضل.

احجز عرضا توضيحيا
دليل التواصل مع الموظفين
تحميل الكتاب الاليكتروني مجانا

تحميل الموارد


Global Empuls customer


يثق قادة الناس Empuls


Reduced HR and admin efforts

أسس بات ماكلوسكي وبات بولاند ANCA في عام 1974 ، عندما استبدلوا عناصر التحكم العددية السلكية الصلبة لآلة الطحن الآلية بجهاز كمبيوتر. لدى ANCA حاليا أكثر من 1000 موظف في جميع أنحاء العالم وهي شركة رائدة في تصنيع آلات CNC والضوابط مع العملاء في أكثر من 45 دولة. لقد حققوا إيرادات تزيد عن 209 مليون دولار أمريكي للسنة المالية 2018-2019.يقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة Anca الآسيوية في بنغالور ، الهند ، وتدير الهندسة والبحث والتطوير والمبيعات والخدمات لآلات CNC الخاصة بها في آسيا.

يقود روكميني ديفاكار وظيفة إدارة الموارد البشرية في ANCA Machine Tools. وهي تعمل من أجل ضمان تجربة شاملة للموظفين للجميع في Anca وتقودها من خلال مشاركة الموظفين وتقديرهم ومكافآتهم من البداية إلى النهاية.

تنظيم عملية المكافأة
كان لدى Anca عملية إشراك الموظفين التي تركزت حول الأحداث الثقافية الكبرى والوظائف المكتبية. ولم ترق عملية المكافآت والتقدير القائمة إلى أن تكون مستمرة وشفافة تماما. وكان هناك أيضا نقص في منصة مكافآت متكاملة وقوية. كانت هناك حاجة ماسة لتنظيم عملية المكافأة وبالتالي جعل مكان العمل أكثر انخراطا وتبسيطا.

Automation of Rewards
The features that Empuls offered Anca was exactly solving the problems they were in search of. The rewards automation feature addressed the issue of incoherent rewarding and the catalogue provided an extensive range of options for redemption. Even the robust user interface offered them ease of use and required functionality.

Smooth Sales Process
The first rewards and recognition service provider that Anca evaluated was Empuls and it was the last. The seamless process of demonstrations and discussions with the Empuls team was a great prelude to the association. The team members interacted with Anca proactively and addressed all their concerns.

Dedicated customer support
Empuls promised and provided dedicated customer support to not just the HR team, but also the employees for the redemption process. The vast categories in the Empuls catalogue, would bring with it considerable doubts on the process of redemption. This was particularly why the customer support during redemption was important.

“In fact, we did not evaluate anybody else because Empuls gave us exactly what we wanted. The team came in and gave a presentation on how it works. All I had to do now was coordinate with only one point-of-contact and the rest was taken care of.”-Rukmini Divakar, HR Manager - Asia, ANCA Machine Tools

90% faster rewarding process
The reward automation feature in Empuls drastically reduced the amount of time required to implement a rewards process. The HR manager had to preset the rewarding criteria and the  recipients were automatically awarded points accordingly. There were options to define even the customisation requirements - depending on the event of the rewards. Instead of the HR manager painstakingly trying to choose an apt reward, the employees could now choose a reward of their choice from the extensive rewards catalogue.

100% increase in Employee Engagement scores
The nomination workflow and the reward automation feature of the Empuls  platform brought about consistency and frequency in the rewarding process. Anca monitors the engagement levels of the employees by conducting regular employee engagement surveys. After  the Empuls implementation, there has been a stark 100% increase in the engagement scores.

80% of Employees turned into promoters
The greatest takeaway of the Empuls implementation was that it won the hearts of the employees. The extensive redemption catalogue provided them with aspirational options to redeem their rewards. Additionally, the increased frequency of rewarding made them feel that their work efforts were valued better. The employees were surveyed for their affinity towards the Empuls platform and amazingly, 80% of them scored themselves as ‘promoters’.

Summing up the Journey
The Empuls  platform helped Anca to drastically increase employee engagement by increasing the frequency, consistency and transparency of rewards. Xoxoday platform’s usability and extensive catalogue showed great acceptance amongst employees and in turn helped further drive engagement scores.


Global Empuls customer


يثق قادة الناس Empuls


Reduced HR and admin effor

أسس بات ماكلوسكي وبات بولاند ANCA في عام 1974 ، عندما استبدلوا عناصر التحكم العددية السلكية الصلبة لآلة الطحن الآلية بجهاز كمبيوتر. لدى ANCA حاليا أكثر من 1000 موظف في جميع أنحاء العالم وهي شركة رائدة في تصنيع آلات CNC والضوابط مع العملاء في أكثر من 45 دولة. لقد حققوا إيرادات تزيد عن 209 مليون دولار أمريكي للسنة المالية 2018-2019.يقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة Anca الآسيوية في بنغالور ، الهند ، وتدير الهندسة والبحث والتطوير والمبيعات والخدمات لآلات CNC الخاصة بها في آسيا.

يقود روكميني ديفاكار وظيفة إدارة الموارد البشرية في ANCA Machine Tools. وهي تعمل من أجل ضمان تجربة شاملة للموظفين للجميع في Anca وتقودها من خلال مشاركة الموظفين وتقديرهم ومكافآتهم من البداية إلى النهاية.

تنظيم عملية المكافأة
كان لدى Anca عملية إشراك الموظفين التي تركزت حول الأحداث الثقافية الكبرى والوظائف المكتبية. ولم ترق عملية المكافآت والتقدير القائمة إلى أن تكون مستمرة وشفافة تماما. وكان هناك أيضا نقص في منصة مكافآت متكاملة وقوية. كانت هناك حاجة ماسة لتنظيم عملية المكافأة وبالتالي جعل مكان العمل أكثر انخراطا وتبسيطا.

Automation of Rewards
The features that Empuls offered Anca was exactly solving the problems they were in search of. The rewards automation feature addressed the issue of incoherent rewarding and the catalogue provided an extensive range of options for redemption. Even the robust user interface offered them ease of use and required functionality.

Smooth Sales Process
The first rewards and recognition service provider that Anca evaluated was Empuls and it was the last. The seamless process of demonstrations and discussions with the Empuls team was a great prelude to the association. The team members interacted with Anca proactively and addressed all their concerns.

Dedicated customer support
Empuls promised and provided dedicated customer support to not just the HR team, but also the employees for the redemption process. The vast categories in the Empuls catalogue, would bring with it considerable doubts on the process of redemption. This was particularly why the customer support during redemption was important.

“In fact, we did not evaluate anybody else because Empuls gave us exactly what we wanted. The team came in and gave a presentation on how it works. All I had to do now was coordinate with only one point-of-contact and the rest was taken care of.”-Rukmini Divakar, HR Manager - Asia, ANCA Machine Tools

90% faster rewarding process
The reward automation feature in Empuls drastically reduced the amount of time required to implement a rewards process. The HR manager had to preset the rewarding criteria and the  recipients were automatically awarded points accordingly. There were options to define even the customisation requirements - depending on the event of the rewards. Instead of the HR manager painstakingly trying to choose an apt reward, the employees could now choose a reward of their choice from the extensive rewards catalogue.

100% increase in Employee Engagement scores
The nomination workflow and the reward automation feature of the Empuls  platform brought about consistency and frequency in the rewarding process. Anca monitors the engagement levels of the employees by conducting regular employee engagement surveys. After  the Empuls implementation, there has been a stark 100% increase in the engagement scores.

80% of Employees turned into promoters
The greatest takeaway of the Empuls implementation was that it won the hearts of the employees. The extensive redemption catalogue provided them with aspirational options to redeem their rewards. Additionally, the increased frequency of rewarding made them feel that their work efforts were valued better. The employees were surveyed for their affinity towards the Empuls platform and amazingly, 80% of them scored themselves as ‘promoters’.

Summing up the Journey
The Empuls  platform helped Anca to drastically increase employee engagement by increasing the frequency, consistency and transparency of rewards. Xoxoday platform’s usability and extensive catalogue showed great acceptance amongst employees and in turn helped further drive engagement scores.