✨ Jangan sampai ketinggalan! Daftarkan diri Anda untuk mengikuti Webinar Apresiasi Karyawan yang dijadwalkan pada tanggal 29 Februari.🎖️
✨ Jangan sampai ketinggalan! Daftarkan diri Anda untuk mengikuti Webinar Apresiasi Karyawan yang dijadwalkan pada tanggal 29 Februari.🎖️

Daftar sekarang

Internal communication software to enhance the workplace connectivity

Transform the way your team collaborates with our cutting-edge internal communication software. Imagine a seamless flow of information, instant collaboration, and a connected workforce driving your organization forward. Eliminate communication obstacles and foster a highly engaged, interconnected workplace.

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Internal communication software that goes beyond the basics, ignite motivation and foster deep engagement


Streamline collaboration through an employee social network, ensuring efficient distribution of high-quality information


Facilitate employees in staying abreast of the organization's vision and goals through our advanced communication software


Inspire employees to acknowledge achievements, engage in surveys, foster robust connections, and express their perspectives

Jelajahi empuls

Elevate teamwork with our dynamic internal communication software

Embrace the power of innovation, boost productivity, and elevate your company to new heights. Our internal communication software is more than just a tool; it's a catalyst for positive change in your workplace dynamics.

Tim merayakan kemenangan transaksi di Empuls

Foster a lively company vibe through open internal dialogues

  • Facilitate transparent, trustworthy, and timely communication across the organization.
  • Keep everyone in the loop with essential news, events, and updates through the information feed.
  • Encourage active participation in shaping the company's culture, mission, vision, and goals.
Merayakan ulang tahun Surendar di platform keterlibatan karyawan Empuls

Nurture a united team bond through shared celebrations

  • Come together to honor milestones, sales triumphs, and both minor and major accomplishments.
  • Engage employees with interactive content like inquiries, polls, quizzes, and games.
  • Inspire individuals to share stories, swap ideas, and collaboratively build aspirations.

Communication possibilities spanning various groups, from community to work circles

  • Foster teamwork around shared interests and social causes within community groups.
  • Simplify the sharing of team or project-specific content within work circles.
  • Stay seamlessly connected to crucial information, projects, and initiatives—whether it's the latest updates or past conversations—regardless of your location.


Bekerja dengan alat kerja sehari-hari Anda

Karyawan Anda sudah menggunakan banyak alat bantu di tempat kerja. Kami mempermudah mereka dengan mengintegrasikan Empuls dengan alat kolaborasi, HRIS/HRMS/HCM, dan sistem masuk tunggal Anda.

Lihat semua integrasi

The advantages of employing our internal communication software


Peningkatan skor promotor bersih karyawan


Karyawan lebih cenderung tinggal di tempat kerja yang diberi insentif


Pertumbuhan pendapatan perusahaan


Skor kepuasan pelanggan yang lebih tinggi


Karyawan memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang visi, tujuan, dan nilai-nilai perusahaan


Karyawan merasa lebih dihargai dan diakui

Komunikasi yang efektif di tempat kerja
Sumber daya unggulan

Streamlined office communication

Elevate workplace communication with our employee collaboration software. Bid farewell to casual conversations and explore the core principles through our free guide.

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