Semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk melibatkan karyawan Anda

Investasikan pada orang-orang Anda dan mereka akan tetap berinvestasi dalam bisnis Anda.

Reward & Recognize



AED 10

SAR 10



Rp 10000

RM 3


per karyawan/bulan yang ditagih setiap tahun




AED 10

SAR 10



Rp 10000

RM 3


per karyawan/bulan yang ditagih setiap tahun

Keuntungan & Keuntungan







Rp 4000

RM 3


per karyawan/bulan yang ditagih setiap tahun

Employee Gifting & Service Rewards







Rp 0

RM 0


Platform Fees (5% Fees on rewards issued)

Social Intranet & Employee Communication







Rp 8000

RM 3


per karyawan/bulan yang ditagih setiap tahun

All-in-one Employee
Experience Pack

Do you have more than 1000 employees?

Discover more about our all-in-one employee engagement solution designed to meet enterprise needs

Reward & Recognize



AED 10

SAR 10



Rp 10000

RM 3


per karyawan/bulan yang ditagih setiap tahun
Reward Types
Lifecycle rewards (Onboarding to Retirement)
Automate the delivery of reward points for the journey of employees from onboarding to retirement
Peer-to-peer rewards
Berdayakan karyawan Anda untuk memberikan penghargaan dan pengakuan satu sama lain.
Spot rewards
Langsung mengapresiasi kontribusi penting dengan penghargaan spot.
Penghargaan berbasis kinerja
Hubungkan target kinerja karyawan dengan imbalan, dan tentukan batasan.
Leadership rewards
Memungkinkan para pemimpin untuk memberikan penghargaan kepada individu dan tim.
Nomination-based rewards
Buat aturan persetujuan penghargaan dan alur kerja untuk kategori penghargaan tertentu.
Long service rewards
Rayakan setiap ulang tahun kerja, terutama mereka yang tinggal dalam jangka panjang.
Milestone rewards
Automate the delivery of reward points for recognition, festivals, and personal and professional milestones
Papan peringkat
Ciptakan persaingan yang sehat dengan kredit keterlibatan dan peringkat rekan di papan peringkat.
Umpan apresiasi
Secara otomatis menampilkan semua apresiasi dalam umpan sosial untuk memperkuat visibilitas dan keinginan crowdsource.
Lencana nilai
Buat lencana nilai untuk memberikan penghargaan kepada karyawan yang menunjukkan nilai-nilai perusahaan dan memperkuat perilaku positif pada setiap orang.
Sertifikat penghargaan
Rancang penghargaan kenang-kenangan dan sertifikat hadiah menggunakan templat yang ada atau unggah templat Anda sendiri.
Private recognition
Appreciate your peers in private for any confedential recognition.
Rewards Catalog
Kartu hadiah
Karyawan Anda dapat menukarkan poin reward mereka dengan kartu hadiah dari merek favorit mereka.
Hadiahi pengalaman seperti petualangan, bersantap adiboga, tur, perjalanan, dan banyak lagi.
Barang dagangan Amazon
Tukarkan poin untuk membeli produk apa pun di Amazon, didukung oleh pengiriman dan dukungan superior Amazon.
Travel & hotels
Redeem points to buy hotel or travel companies vouchers.
Explore redemption options with in-house swag, customize it as per your requirement.
Prepaid cards
Redeem points with prepaid card options.
Charity & donations
Redeem points to donate to 20+ charity options.
Reward Management
Reward budgets management
Siapkan aturan dan alur kerja distribusi anggaran hadiah untuk memberikan penghargaan uang.
Leaderboard settings
Sesuaikan pengaturan dan preferensi papan peringkat agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Penukaran multi-mata uang
Tukarkan poin Anda dari 100+ negara.
Cost of living rewards
Redeem the points as per your region's currency conversion set by the admins.
Custom branded catalog
Explore redemption options with branded catalog as per your requirement.
Reward cycle management
Customize the reward cycle on the basis of your budget, department, location, etc.
Reward automations
Automate the rewards cycle on the basis of your timelines.
Exit employee reward management
Customize the value of the unused rewards points of your exited employees.
Bulk rewards management
Manage rewards and gifts to large groups of employees in one go.
Laporan &Analytics
Reward reports
Give managers, and business leaders a 360-degree view of rewards distributed
Laporan anggaran
Give stakeholders a complete insights of rewards budgets utilized and saved.
Redemption reports
Give stakeholders a complete insights of redemptions made by employees.




AED 10

SAR 10



Rp 10000

RM 3


per karyawan/bulan yang ditagih setiap tahun
Feedback & Survey Types
Survei eNPS
Ukur loyalitas karyawan dengan satu pertanyaan.
Survei denyut nadi karyawan
Tangkap sentimen karyawan secara keseluruhan dengan mengukur keterlibatan di empat pendorong utama.
Lifecycle surveys (Onboarding to Retirement)
Seek feedback during key touch points across the employee lifecycle to improve the workplace experience.
Onboarding feedback
Kumpulkan umpan balik dari karyawan tentang pengalaman orientasi mereka.
Umpan balik pelatihan
Kumpulkan umpan balik dari karyawan tentang pengalaman pelatihan mereka.
Umpan balik tinjauan kinerja
Buat survei untuk mengumpulkan umpan balik dari karyawan tentang sasaran dan tujuan kinerja mereka.
Survei efektivitas manajer
Menilai efektivitas manajer dalam memimpin dan mengelola tim mereka.
Survei efektivitas SDM
Menilai efektivitas departemen SDM dalam mendukung karyawan dan organisasi secara keseluruhan.
Survei check-in bekerja dari rumah
Kumpulkan umpan balik dari karyawan yang bekerja dari jarak jauh tentang pengalaman mereka.
Survei kembali ke tempat kerja
Menilai kesiapan karyawan untuk kembali ke tempat kerja dan mengumpulkan umpan balik mengenai kebijakan dan prosedur kembali bekerja.
Survei Keberagaman, Kesetaraan & Inklusi (DEI)
Mengukur dan meningkatkan inisiatif DEI serta mengidentifikasi area-area di mana organisasi dapat menjadi lebih inklusif.
Survei kesejahteraan & kesehatan mental
Mengukur dan meningkatkan kesehatan fisik dan mental karyawan dengan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang stres, keseimbangan kehidupan kerja, dan kesehatan mental.
Survei wawancara keluar
Kumpulkan umpan balik dari karyawan yang keluar mengenai pengalaman kerja mereka dan alasan mereka keluar.
Survei umpan balik 360 derajat
Memberdayakan karyawan untuk mendapatkan gambaran lengkap mengenai kinerja mereka dengan menggunakan umpan balik dari bawahan, rekan kerja, dan atasan.
Buat survei Anda sendiri
Buat survei khusus untuk kebutuhan unik Anda.
Survey Management
Penjadwalan survei otomatis
Jadwalkan survei untuk dikirim secara otomatis secara berkala, seperti triwulanan atau tahunan.
Pengingat otomatis
Dorong karyawan untuk menyelesaikan survei menggunakan pengingat otomatis untuk meningkatkan tingkat respons.
Response gamification
Gunakan elemen permainan untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan dan partisipasi dalam survei.
Akses berbasis peran
Mengontrol akses ke data dan laporan survei berdasarkan fungsi dan tanggung jawab pekerjaan.
Berbagai bahasa
Kirim survei dalam berbagai bahasa untuk mengakomodasi preferensi tenaga kerja Anda yang beragam.
Survei yang dioptimalkan untuk seluler
Lakukan survei di perangkat seluler untuk kenyamanan dan aksesibilitas.
Advance Reporting and Analytics
Rencana aksi yang direkomendasikan
Dapatkan rencana tindakan yang didukung data untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan berdasarkan wawasan survei pulsa.
Pelaporan survei waktu nyata
Mengidentifikasi tren dan area peningkatan dengan cepat dengan pelaporan dan analitik waktu nyata.
Industry benchmarking
Menganalisis tanggapan survei terbuka menggunakan pemrosesan bahasa alami (NLP) untuk mengidentifikasi tema dan sentimen umum.
Analisis sentimen
Menganalisis tanggapan survei terbuka menggunakan pemrosesan bahasa alami (NLP) untuk mengidentifikasi tema dan sentimen umum.
Data visualization & heatmaps
Help managers understand survey results and identify trends with interactive data visualizations and heatmaps.
Qualitative feedback
Get qualatative feedback of the surveys.

Keuntungan & Keuntungan







Rp 4000

RM 3


per karyawan/bulan yang ditagih setiap tahun
Fasilitas & Diskon
Exclusive discounts, deals, offers
Tawarkan diskon dan penawaran eksklusif kepada karyawan untuk produk dan layanan, seperti perjalanan, hiburan, belanja, bersantap, dan lainnya.
Discount recommendations
Beritahukan karyawan ketika diskon baru tersedia atau ketika diskon yang ada akan berakhir.
Customizable perks catalog
Kirimkan rekomendasi yang dipersonalisasi kepada karyawan berdasarkan preferensi dan penggunaan sebelumnya.
Offer cashback on certain deals to employees on products and services, such as travel, entertainment, shopping, dining, and more.
Employee savings report
Get visibility on overall savings achieved by employees by using exclusive perks and discounts.  
Salary advance & payday loans
Offer early salary to employees and loans based on their salary.
Tax saving benefits
Multi benefits wallet
Gabungkan semua tunjangan bebas pajak, seperti makanan, bahan bakar, perjalanan, telekomunikasi, seragam, buku & majalah, dan tunjangan hadiah, ke dalam satu kartu yang dapat diisi ulang.
Meal, fuel & utility payments
Disburse meal, fuel allowances through prepaid cards that employees can use as per their requirement.
Kesehatan fisik & mental
Bantu karyawan memprioritaskan kesehatan fisik dan mental dengan penawaran seperti konsultasi dokter, pemeriksaan kesehatan fisik dan mental, tantangan kesehatan dan gamifikasi, diskon obat-obatan dan rumah sakit, keanggotaan gym dan yoga, dan banyak lagi.
Wallet administration
Tawarkan diskon dan penawaran eksklusif kepada karyawan untuk produk dan layanan, seperti perjalanan, hiburan, belanja, bersantap, dan lainnya.
Tax benefits reports
Tawarkan saran dan sumber daya perencanaan keuangan kepada karyawan, membantu mereka mengelola keuangan dan merencanakan masa depan.
Corporate Wellness programs
Doctor consultations
Integrate with your health provider to provide consultation.
Eye & dental consultation
Integrate with your health provider to provide consultation.
Kesehatan mental
Promote mental wellness with different offers from wellness platforms.
Health & body checkups
Integrate with health apps to facilitate employee's health
Medicine discounts
Get exclusive discount deals for employees on medicine.
Fitness & wellness events & challenges
Allow flexible allowances relvant to their fitness goals.
Lifestyle Spends & Flexi benefits
Lifestyle spends wallet
Empower employees with with options that match their lifestyle aspirations.
Learning, books & skills allowances
Empower employees with with options that match their lifestyle aspirations.
Home office stipends
Support remote work arrangements by enabling employees to invest in their home office setups.
Family planning & childcare spends
Extend benefits to your employees' families, encompassing childcare.
Pet care allowances
Provide employees with the freedom to utilize their flexible allowance with pet care.
Commuter benefits
Provide employees with the freedom to utilize their flexible allowance with communtation.

Employee Gifting & Service Awards







Rp 0

RM 0


Platform Fees (5% Fees on rewards issued)
Gift Catalog
Digital & physical gift cards
Karyawan Anda dapat menukarkan poin reward mereka dengan kartu hadiah dari merek favorit mereka.
Hadiahi pengalaman seperti petualangan, bersantap adiboga, tur, perjalanan, dan banyak lagi.
Barang dagangan Amazon
Tukarkan poin untuk membeli produk apa pun di Amazon, didukung oleh pengiriman dan dukungan superior Amazon.
Explore redemption options with in-house swag, customize it as per your requirement.
Charity & donations
Redeem points to donate to 20+ charity options.
Hotels & flights
Redeem points to book a hotel or flight of your choosing.
Gifting Management
Gift automation
Otomatiskan pengiriman poin hadiah untuk pengakuan, festival, dan pencapaian pribadi dan profesional.
Gift certificates
Rancang penghargaan kenang-kenangan dan sertifikat hadiah menggunakan templat yang ada atau unggah templat Anda sendiri.
Bulk gifting
Kirim hadiah dan hadiah kepada sekelompok besar karyawan sekaligus.
Gift budget management
Manage gift budget for all occasions or employees at all different level.
Wishboard & memory book
Wish your employees on their special occasions on their wishboads.
Gift reports & analytics
Berikan individu, manajer, dan pemimpin bisnis pandangan 360 derajat tentang data pengakuan dan keterlibatan.
Integration with HRMS, Slack & MS Teams
Integrate with popular collaboration tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams for easy redemption expereince.
Employee gifting
Gift automation
Otomatiskan pengiriman poin hadiah untuk pengakuan, festival, dan pencapaian pribadi dan profesional.
Onboarding gifts
Send gifts or gift options to your employees, allowing them to choose gift as per their requirement.
Birthday gifts
Automate celebrating employees birthday with gifts.
Festive gifts like Christmas & Diwali
Celebrate festivals with your employees by letting them choose gift of their choice.
Service anniversary & tenure awards
Celebrate years of service of employees providing them tax benefit with gifting.
Digital display boards
Showcase your appreciated employees on digital kiosks, television or digital displays.

Social Intranet & Community Groups







Rp 8000

RM 3


per karyawan/bulan yang ditagih setiap tahun
Komunikasi Karyawan
Org announcements
Biarkan karyawan mengakses pengumuman penting, pembaruan, perubahan kebijakan, dan berita dengan umpan berita pusat.
Videos, blogs, newsletters & articles
Publish videos, blogs, articles relevant to the group.
Employee surveys
Gather feedback with different types of surveys.
Perosnalization & content recommendations
Personalisasi newsfeed dengan konten yang relevan dengan masing-masing karyawan berdasarkan peran pekerjaan, departemen, lokasi, dan minat mereka.
Social content feed & user-generated content
View all different content published on the feed by admins or users.
Kotak masukan & saran
Allow employees to provide feedback and suggestions on various aspects.
Multi-channel communication via mobile, email, web & digital signage displays
Access feed seamlessly from various different sources.
Profanity filters to auto-govern the content
Restrict content based on filters customized as per the organization policy.
Generative AI to create content
Create content for various different posts or communities easily with the help of AI.
Pinning important posts
Pin the most important organizational posts for better visibility.
Keterlibatan Karyawan
Employee onboarding
Highlight new hires and let other employees welcome them with their greetings.
Gamification with leaderboards, points, wall of fame
Customize the leaderboard settings and preferences to suit your needs and showcase them on wall of fame.
Likes, comments & share
Buat survei khusus untuk kebutuhan unik Anda.
Birthday, anniversary & events wishboard
Automate displays of birthdays or work anniversary of employees.
Integrasi Linkedin
Share your appreciation posts directly on LinkedIn.
Employee story book
Showcase the journey of emplyees from hiring till the current date.
Jajak pendapat, kuis, dan kontes
Tingkatkan keterlibatan dengan konten interaktif seperti jajak pendapat, kuis, dan kontes.
Community discussions
Engage with the local community and promote corporate social responsibility initiatives, such as volunteering, donations, and sustainability with your employees.
Create and manage employee groups
Buat grup pribadi atau publik berdasarkan hobi, minat, tim, atau proyek.
Direktori karyawan
Org structure
Find any employee irrespective of their department using the org chart.
Profil karyawan
 Izinkan karyawan berbagi tentang diri mereka sendiri menggunakan halaman profil karyawan dengan foto, jabatan, informasi kontak, keterampilan, hobi, dan detail relevan lainnya.
Social Intranet Management
Custom branding & whitelabelling
Sesuaikan platform intranet dengan merek dan logo perusahaan.
Customize the feed as per the language of your region.
Access controls
Control access to posting on feed based on job function and responsibility.
Knowledge Management
Share information & manage documents
Manage important organizational documents and share information with employees
Enterprise search for informatino & docs
Search for important documents, or share organization wide information.
Tautan Cepat
Access to all important documents with external links.
Report and Analytics
Appreciation report
Track appreciation published by employees across departments, time, tier, location, etc.
Engagement initiave report
Track employee engagement and other key metrics using analytics and reporting tools.
Metrik keterlibatan konten
Track content performance of posts published on social intranet.

All-in-one Employee Experience Pack

*minimum contract agreement of $1000 required

Trusted by leading companies globally

Selalu disertakan

Pasar Hadiah

Explore Empuls' dynamic reward marketplace, featuring from digital gift cards, experiential rewards, tangible products from Amazon and popular brands, company-branded custom swag, etc.

HRMS Integration Setup

Integrate with HRMS tools to enhance your employees’ experience. This enables automatic data synchronization, allowing you to automate and manage some of the people initiatives.

Aplikasi Seluler

Keep white and blue-collar employees connected on a single platform. Your employees can respond to surveys, share posts, and redeem rewards from the global reward marketplace, on the go.

Reporting & Analytics

Receive live reports on values adoption, recognitions received and shared, reward budget utilization, and redemption. Get detailed insights and analytics from eNPS and Pulse surveys.

Empuls for Enterprises

Do you have more than 1000 employees?

Discover more about our all-in-one employee engagement solution designed to meet enterprise needs

Customized solution

Configure the platform with your branding, language, currency etc. We're open to discussing the customization of features to fit your specific needs.

Keamanan & Privasi

Ensure the highest data security with VAPT, Code reviews, BCP, firewalls, IDS, logging, monitoring, MFA, data encryption, and code audits.


The platform complies with global standards like WCAG, SOC II, ISO 27001, CCPA, HIPAA, and GDPR, ensuring comprehensive adherence.


Integrate Empuls with your preferred work tools, embedding engagement and reward programs into workflow, fostering alignment with goals.

Kemampuan Multibahasa

Gather feedback in over 20 languages worldwide, seamlessly translating it into English for effortless analysis and insightful evaluation.

Multi-region Deployment

Utilize our global cloud infrastructure, granting you the freedom to select data storage locations according to your  preferences.

Dukungan Pelanggan

Committed to deliver top-notch employee support

Platform Keterlibatan & Pengakuan yang terdepan di industri

  • Siklus Hype untuk Teknologi SDM, 2023

  • Siklus Hype untuk Pekerjaan Hibrida, 2023

  • Panduan Pasar untuk Voice of the Employee Solutions™ 2023

  • Wawasan Inovasi: Teknologi Digital yang Mendorong Hasil DEI 2023

Lanskap Pengakuan Karyawan Forrester, Q1 2023

Everest Group R&R Solutions PEAK Matrix® Penilaian 2023


Is there a setup fee for Empuls?

Anda mungkin akan dikenakan biaya penyiapan satu kali berdasarkan cakupan dan jangka waktu implementasi serta penawaran yang tersedia. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan tanyakan kepada Manajer Akun Anda.

Can I change my pricing plan after signing up for Empuls?

Yes, you can change your pricing plan at any time based on your organization's changing needs. Contact Empuls customer support for assistance with changing your plan.

How is the pricing for Empuls calculated?

Empuls pricing is based on the number of active users in your organization and the features included in your selected plan.

How do I choose the right Empuls plan for my organization?

The right Empuls plan for your organization depends on your specific needs and the number of active users in your organization. Consider factors such as the features and capabilities you require, your budget, and the size of your organization when choosing a plan. Empuls offers different plans with varying levels of features and support to meet the needs of different organizations. Contact Empuls customer support or sales team for assistance in choosing the right plan for your organization.

Does Empuls offer a free trial?

Yes, Empuls offers a 14-day free trial for all plans. Empuls also offers a ‘Empuls Lite for Gifting and Reward Automation’ which is free forever.

Are there any limits on the number of users I can have with Empuls?

Empuls does not have any hard limits on the number of users, but the pricing is based on the number of active users in your organization.

Apakah saya perlu memberikan informasi pembayaran untuk memulai uji coba gratis?

Tidak, Anda tidak perlu memberikan informasi pembayaran untuk memulai uji coba gratis.

Does Empuls offer an extended paid trial for organizations that need more time to evaluate the platform?

Yes, Empuls offers an extended paid trial for organizations that need more time to evaluate the platform. This allows organizations to fully test and evaluate the platform's features and capabilities before committing to a subscription. Contact Empuls sales team for more information about the extended paid trial.

Does Empuls offer volume discounts for large organizations?

Yes, Empuls offers volume discounts for organizations with a large number of users. Contact Empuls sales team to discuss pricing options.

Can Empuls integrate with other enterprise systems, such as HR or payroll software?

Yes, Empuls can integrate with other enterprise systems, including HRMS, HRIS and communication tools, to streamline processes and increase efficiency. Contact Empuls customer support for more information about integration options.

Apakah ada persyaratan pengguna minimum untuk paket Enterprise?

There is no minimum user requirement for the Empuls Enterprise plan, but the pricing is based on the number of active users in your organization.

How does Empuls ensure the security and confidentiality of employee data?

Empuls takes security and confidentiality very seriously and employs various measures to protect employee data, including encryption, access controls, and regular security audits. Empuls is also GDPR-compliant and maintains strict data protection policies.

Can I customize the security settings in Empuls to align with my organization's policies and requirements?

Yes, Empuls offers customizable security settings that can be tailored to align with your organization's policies and requirements.

How is employee data stored and managed in Empuls?

Employee data is stored securely in the cloud and is managed by Empuls in compliance with relevant data protection regulations.

Can I control who has access to employee data in Empuls?

Yes, Empuls offers access controls that allow you to control who has access to employee data and what level of access they have.

Does Empuls offer multi-factor authentication (MFA) for login?

Yes, Empuls offers MFA as an additional layer of security for login.

What kind of rewards can employees redeem using Empuls reward points?

Empuls offers a wide range of rewards that employees can redeem using their reward points, including gift cards, experiences, merchandise, and charitable donations.

Dapatkah saya menyesuaikan katalog hadiah untuk menyertakan hadiah spesifik yang selaras dengan nilai dan budaya organisasi saya?

Yes, Empuls offers customizable reward catalogs that can be tailored to include rewards that align with your organization's values and culture.

Dapatkah karyawan mendapatkan poin hadiah untuk pencapaian atau tindakan tertentu?

Yes, Empuls offers a points-based reward system that allows employees to earn points for specific achievements or actions, such as completing training courses or receiving peer recognition.

How are reward points calculated and managed in Empuls?

Reward points are calculated based on the achievement or action for which they are awarded and are managed by Empuls in the platform. The reward points can be redeemed by employees through the Empuls catalog.

Dapatkah saya menetapkan batas jumlah poin reward yang dapat diperoleh atau ditukarkan oleh karyawan?

Yes, Empuls offers customizable settings that allow you to set limits on the number of reward points that employees can earn or redeem, based on your organization's policies and requirements.