The all-in-one employee engagement platform

to Connect your people
to Listen to your people
to Appreciate your people
to Reward your people
to Celebrate your people
to Connect your people

Your employees are your biggest competitive advantage. Unlock their true potential with Empuls.

Jelajahi Empuls

Fix disengagement for good with holistic and continuous engagement

Foster a culture of appreciation

Empower employees to recognise great work, give visibility to every accomplishment, and motivate them with meaningful rewards. Make recognition a frictionless, fun, and social experience.

Prioritise employee well-being

Engage all demographics of your workforce, from Gen X to Gen Z, with comprehensive perks and benefits that help them prioritise well-being and touch their lives beyond work.

Ciptakan peluang untuk umpan balik

Measure employee engagement and take action to fix the root cause of disengagement. Elevate the employee experience using employee feedback and detailed people analytics.

Align everyone with your culture

Build trust with consistent and transparent communication. Showcase your unique company culture with a social intranet designed for distributed teams.

Pengakuan &Penghargaan

Foster a culture of appreciation

Empower employees to recognise great work, give visibility to every accomplishment, and motivate them with meaningful rewards. Make recognition a frictionless, fun, and social experience.

Keuntungan & Keuntungan

Prioritise employee well-being

Engage all demographics of your workforce, from Gen X to Gen Z, with comprehensive perks and benefits that help them prioritise well-being and touch their lives beyond work.

Survei & Umpan Balik

Ciptakan peluang untuk umpan balik

Measure employee engagement and take action to fix the root cause of disengagement. Elevate the employee experience using employee feedback and detailed people analytics.

Connection & Community

Align everyone with your culture

Build trust with consistent and transparent communication. Showcase your unique company culture with a social intranet designed for distributed teams.

Temui Em

Strengthen engagement   and participation with "Em"

Tutup kesenjangan keterlibatan dengan bot keterlibatan karyawan yang didukung AI, Em. 'Bot' berinteraksi dengan karyawan Anda untuk mendorong partisipasi menggunakan dorongan tepat waktu dan membantu profesional SDM untuk mengotomatiskan tugas yang berlebihan.

Memenuhi kebutuhan setiap orang di tempat kerja

Sumber Daya Manusia

Membantu mendorong keterlibatan karyawan multi-dimensi dan meningkatkan pengalaman karyawan dari satu platform.

Pemimpin Bisnis

Menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk berinvestasi dalam berbagai solusi, memberikan visibilitas ke dalam inisiatif sumber daya manusia, hemat biaya, dan memberikan ROI yang lebih tinggi.

Pemimpin Rakyat

Membantu menghubungkan, memotivasi, dan mencari umpan balik dari tim sambil memanfaatkan data untuk bekerja pada area yang perlu ditingkatkan.


Membantu menyelaraskan dengan budaya, misi, dan visi perusahaan, serta memperkuat hubungan di tempat kerja melalui apresiasi.

Sumber Daya Unggulan

Kalender Keterlibatan 2024

Temukan cara-cara kreatif untuk melibatkan karyawan sepanjang tahun dan dapatkan lebih banyak manfaat dari Empuls menggunakan kalender keterlibatan kami.

Unduh secara gratis

Sama-sama dicintai oleh para pemimpin dan karyawan orang-orang


Global Empuls customers


People leaders trust Empuls


Reduced HR and admin effort


Employees use Empuls

Pelanggan kami mencintai kami

Max Life Insurance
Max Life Insurance
“Truly elevated our employee recognition program”
The success of our first Star of the Quarter cycle on Empuls was made possible by your team's proactive contributions to system readiness. Your support has truly elevated our employee recognition program. Thank you for making Empuls an invaluable asset for us.
Sumana Ananth
People Analytics Manager
Angel One
Angel One
“Exceptionally smooth launch process”
Empuls is now live as Angelverse. The launch has been an exceptionally smooth process. We're delighted to have discovered Empuls. Anticipating a continued journey of success, we extend our gratitude for making Angelverse a reality!
Ashveen Kaur
People Analytics Manager
Junglee Games
Junglee Games
“Game-changer in fostering a positive work culture”
Empuls has not only provided an excellent platform for employee rewards but has also proven to be a game-changer in fostering a positive work culture. The product's innovative features have significantly contributed to enhancing our employee engagement and recognition initiatives.
Saloni Rakyan
Employee Experience Executive
Thryve Digital
Thryve Digital
“Truly a value add to employee reward initiatives”
Reflecting on our journey with Empuls, the support and guidance from the Empuls, starting at ground zero, has been invaluable. Having the Empuls team at every step of this journey made all the difference. Empuls has been truly a value add to Thryve’s employee reward initiatives!
Leena Pujari
Associate Director - People
“Wonderful tool to appreciate and strengthen team bonds”
The Empuls portal has proven to be a wonderful tool to appreciate and strengthen team bonds across our organization, particularly in the hybrid work model. The ease of peer-to-peer and manager appreciation has made recognition remarkably convenient. Empuls has become an integral part of our R&R program.
Bindhu John
Chief Happiness Officer & Founder's Office
“An engaging experience”
At Techwave, Empuls proved to be more than just a platform; it’s an engaging experience. The transition from a manual process to an automated program with Empuls was a lot smoother than most well-known service companies. Overall, it’s a 5-star rating from Techwave!
Angela Paulmony
Sumber Daya Manusia
ITC Infotech
ITC Infotech
“Empuls gives you more than just an HR tech tool”
We launched our “I Rewards” platform via Empuls - a critical project for ITC Infotech. The insights and guidance from the team ensured the set up of a meaningful reward and recognition tool that resonates with our workforce. Overall, Empuls gives you more than just an HR tech tool – their team is a proactive part of the entire initiative.
Neeraj CM
Business HR - ADM
“Kudos to the team’s remarkable adaptability”
The platform's capabilities were exactly what we needed to boost our employee rewards and engagement. Plus, it could be customized based on our requests which was a great relief! Kudos to the team’s remarkable adaptability, swift response times, and meticulous attention to our queries.
Akhila Kumar
Senior Executive Human Resources
“So easy to launch surveys and get feedback from our employees”
Rishab's unwavering support, responsiveness and willingness to go the extra mile has made working with Empuls a pleasure. Launching Empuls has made it so easy to launch surveys and get feedback from our employees. I would definitely recommend it.
Arya Pillai
Business HR
Task Us
Task Us
“Empuls UI and interface are amazing and user-friendly”
The Empuls UI and interface are amazing and user-friendly, and the team has been incredibly helpful in seamlessly launching and customizing the entire process for TaskUs. From research to reports, it's all Empuls.
Apurv Khatri
People First Advocate
“Empuls has a solid foundation with all the features”
I appreciated the availability of helpful contacts, guides, and real-time support from the Empuls team. Overall, Empuls has a solid foundation with all the features and resources you’ll need to kick-start employee engagement at your company.
Danamaisie Carmona
Operations Manager
“Guidance at every step of the process was invaluable”
We integrated Empuls to digitize our reward and recognition program. The team’s guidance at every step of the process was invaluable and ensured a seamless and productive transition for us at ACKO. The transition to Empuls is recent, but we’ve already gotten great feedback, and our expectation is high!
Anish Choudhary
Manager - Culture & Communication
“Empuls to create a good user experience for our caregivers”
We enjoyed collaborating and identifying the best possible solutions using Empuls to create a good user experience for our caregivers. I look forward to our partnership as we work towards going live with other features that enhance the user experience.
Aparna Madireddi
Employee Experience Leader
Gulf Taleed
Gulf Taleed
“Noticeable positive impact on morale, motivation and culture”
The important thing for us was to listen to our employees, to strengthen the relationship, create a culture of recognition, and optimize the employee engagement space to retain our top local talents. With Empuls, there’s a noticeable positive impact on morale, motivation, engagement, and culture.
Georges Chalouhi
Executive Manager

Bekerja dengan alat kerja sehari-hari Anda

Karyawan Anda sudah menggunakan banyak alat bantu di tempat kerja. Kami mempermudah mereka dengan mengintegrasikan Empuls dengan alat kolaborasi, HRIS/HRMS/HCM, dan sistem masuk tunggal Anda.

Microsoft Teams
Izinkan karyawan untuk mengenali, memberi penghargaan, berbagi umpan balik, dan terlibat dalam Tim.
Tambahkan ke Tim
Integrasikan dengan Empuls untuk memberikan pengakuan, penghargaan, dan survei dalam alur kerja dari dalam Slack.
Tambahkan ke Slack
Jaga agar data karyawan tetap segar dan otomatiskan perayaan pencapaian dengan integrasi ini. 
Pelajari lebih lanjut
SAP SuccessFactors
Mengotomatiskan keikutsertaan karyawan dalam inisiatif keterlibatan dan tidak pernah melewatkan perayaan penting apa pun.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Google Workspace SSO
Libatkan setiap karyawan dalam inisiatif keterlibatan Anda dengan akses masuk tunggal yang aman ke Empuls. 
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Azure AD
Menyediakan akses aman bagi karyawan ke Empuls dengan sistem masuk tunggal dan autentikasi multi-faktor.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Sinkronisasi data karyawan dengan mudah dari BambooHR untuk melibatkan setiap karyawan setiap hari di Empuls.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Selalu perbarui data karyawan di Empuls untuk melibatkan seluruh tenaga kerja Anda dalam program keterlibatan.
Pelajari lebih lanjut
Integrasi ini memastikan bahwa data karyawan di Empuls selalu diperbarui untuk keterlibatan yang berkelanjutan.
Pelajari lebih lanjut

Industry-leading Engagement & Recognition Platform

  • Hype Cycle for HR Technology, 2023

  • Hype Cycle for Hybrid Work, 2023

  • Market Guide for Voice of the Employee Solutions™ 2023

  • Innovation Insight: Digital Technologies Driving DEI Outcomes 2023

Forrester Employee Recognition Landscape, Q1 2023

Everest Group R&R Solutions PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2023

Daftar Pertanyaan

Apa elemen inti dari strategi keterlibatan karyawan holistik?

Strategi keterlibatan karyawan holistik adalah persimpangan dari enam dimensi ini:

  1. Communication - Encourage employee connection, communication, and collaboration
  2. Empowerment - Empower people to seek and share feedback and solve problems creatively
  3. Motivation - Deliver intrinsic and extrinsic motivation through appreciation and rewards
  4. Wellbeing - Promote physical, mental, and financial wellbeing
  5. Alignment - Align everyone with a company's mission, values, goals, and culture
  6. Mastery - Foster a culture of continuous learning and growth
Apa yang membuat Empuls menjadi platform keterlibatan karyawan yang lengkap?

Empuls dibangun di atas empat pilar keterlibatan karyawan, yaitu komunikasi, penyelarasan, pemberdayaan, dan motivasi. Empuls Fitur-fiturnya - intranet sosial, survei keterlibatan dan siklus hidup, pengakuan berbasis nilai dan tujuan, serta penghargaan yang menyenangkan memungkinkan pendekatan multi-dimensi untuk memperbaiki ketidakterlibatan. Empuls menghilangkan kerepotan berinvestasi dan mengelola berbagai solusi untuk mendorong inisiatif sumber daya manusia yang secara drastis memangkas kerumitan dan biaya, serta meningkatkan ROI.

Apa yang unik dari cara kerja Empuls ?

Empuls dirancang berdasarkan siklus Deming, sebuah pendekatan berulang yang memungkinkan peningkatan berkelanjutan, dan melibatkan 4 langkah:

  • Plan: Identify the organization's key objectives and values and align engagement goals with those objectives.
  • Do: Implement employee engagement programs that incentivize desired behaviors through positive reinforcement and motivation.
  • Check: Gather feedback from employees about what's working and what's not and identify areas of improvement.
  • Act: Course correct the engagement plan through data-driven actions to achieve better results for employees and the organization.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan eNPS? Bagaimana perusahaan meningkatkan eNPS dengan Empuls?

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a system to measure employee satisfaction and loyalty. It's a descendant of the customer Net Promoter Score or NPS introduced by Frederick Reichheld in 2003 to gauge customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Empuls' engagement survey provides the eNPS of your organization, which shows a cumulative score, a breakdown of promoters, passives, and detractors, and their distribution and trends across time periods and departments.

Taking it a step further, it evaluates performance across four engagement dimensions and fifteen sub-dimensions to show the biggest drivers for employee satisfaction/engagement along with actionable recommendations for areas of improvement.

Apa perbedaan hadiah Empuls ?

Sebagai permulaan, Empuls reward dikurasi dengan tujuan utama untuk menyenangkan karyawan. Dengan menawarkan beragam pilihan di 20+ kategori hadiah dan lebih dari 21.000 pilihan hadiah di 75+ negara, Anda dapat mendorong keterlibatan yang nyata dan menciptakan pengalaman hadiah yang tak terlupakan bagi karyawan Anda.

Bagaimana Empuls memperoleh partisipasi dan keterlibatan?

Em, bot AI kami, mendorong karyawan untuk melakukan tindakan proaktif, seperti menyambut karyawan baru, mengirimkan ucapan selamat ulang tahun, memberi selamat kepada rekan kerja yang menerima penghargaan, menukarkan poin reward, memanfaatkan anggaran reward untuk menghargai orang lain, menyelesaikan survei tepat waktu, dan banyak lagi. Selain itu, Empuls memungkinkan Anda untuk memberikan skor keterlibatan untuk setiap tindakan karyawan yang dilakukan di platform dan menciptakan persaingan yang sehat dengan menampilkan skor kumulatif dan peringkat setiap karyawan di papan peringkat.

Bagaimana cara memulai dengan Empuls?

Ada dua cara untuk memulai dengan Empuls:

  • Daftar untuk demo dan dapatkan semua pertanyaan Anda dijawab sementara pakar keterlibatan kami membawa Anda melalui platform kami. Bergabunglah dengan salah satu paket harga kami dan biarkan para ahli kami membawa Anda melalui pengaturan tanpa kerumitan.
  • Anda dapat memulai dengan langsung mendaftar uji coba gratis kami dan menjelajahi platform dengan tim Anda. Gunakan Empuls selama 30 hari dan tingkatkan ke salah satu paket harga kami. (Ya, kami cukup yakin bahwa setelah 30 hari menggunakan Empuls Anda pasti ingin bergabung!)

Apakah data saya aman di Empuls?

Empuls adheres to the highest standards of data security. Empuls is ISO 27001:2013 certified, adheres to SOC 2 compliance requirements, and is GDPR CPRA compliant.

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