Employee survey tool with AI-driven engagement insights 

Transform employee feedback into meaningful action with our AI-powered software to enhance high performance culture and boost employee retention. 

Organizations thrive when they listen to employees and act on their feedback


Improvement in overall eNPS score


Employees feel more valued & recognised


Growth in company revenue


Higher customer satisfaction scores

*These results are based on Empuls customer reports.

Explore Empuls

Capture employee voice and measure engagement with Empuls

Measure Engagement

Measure employee loyalty, understand the key drivers influencing them with an industry standard engagement survey.

Identify Users groups with high performance mindset and culture, learn groups at risk of attrition and the contributing factors to it.

Leverage AI sentiment analysis and benchmarked heat maps to understand the areas of improvement and develop a plan of action.

Enhance the Employee EX

Gather feedback at every employee touchpoint, from onboarding to exit.

Explore diverse insights, from DEIB to webinar feedback, with multiple survey templates.

Enhance the employee experience by identifying areas of improvement via regular check-ins with your workforce.

Customize Your Surveys

Build surveys from scratch or edit our existing templates with our vast question bank.

Run custom quizzes as a fun way to engage teams, disseminate knowledge, or drive healthy competition.

Gain access to trends over time when you use the same custom templates.

eNPS & Pulse Surveys

Measure Engagement

Measure employee loyalty, understand the key drivers influencing them with an industry standard engagement survey.

Identify Users groups with high performance mindset and culture, learn groups at risk of attrition and the contributing factors to it.

Use detailed analytics to understand the correlation between engagement drivers and develop a plan of action.

Lifecycle Surveys

Enhance the Employee EX

Gather feedback at every employee touchpoint, from onboarding to exit.

Explore diverse insights, from DEIB to webinar feedback, with multiple survey templates.

Enhance the employee experience by identifying areas of improvement via regular check-ins with your workforce.

Custom Surveys

Customize Your Surveys

Build surveys from scratch or edit our existing templates with our vast question bank.

Run custom quizzes as a fun way to engage teams, disseminate knowledge, or drive healthy competition.

Gain access to trends over time when you use the same custom templates.

Featured Resource

The ultimate guide to workplace surveys

Dive into the art of crafting a happy work culture with our guide on workplace surveys. Learn the essentials, explore common survey types, and uncover tips for impactful engagement. Discover the keys to conducting effective surveys, including timing, frequency, and the questions that truly matter.

Download free Ebook

Explore Empuls

Empuls is the employee survey tool you need to gather powerful insights

Deliver surveys designed in collaboration with SHRM

Allow employees to provide honest responses to questions with anonymous surveys.


Ensure the reliability of user responses with researched and statistically validated questions.


Increase participation rates with short surveys that avoid responder fatigue and bias.

Open Feedback

Include open-ended questions to get detailed inputs on what's working and what's not.

Personalize the survey experience for all
Customized engagement drivers

Choose from existing questions or add your unique engagement drivers to measure.

Tailored settings

Collect user info or keep it anonymous, 20+ global and regional language options, and set response limits per user.

Custom Data Presentation

Customize how the data is presented based on your needs; beyond built-in insights and reports.


Personalize the platform to align with your brand, culture, and program requirements.

Automate surveys and boost participation with AI
Survey Scheduling

Schedule surveys to be sent at regular intervals for every stage in the employee lifecycle.

AI-driven Participation

Trigger AI-backed nudges, email notifications, and in-app alerts to drive participation.

Response Alert

Get notified upon collecting enough survey responses, ensuring data reliability for in-depth analysis.

Mobile & Web Access

Allow employees to participate in surveys across multiple devices, such as desktops, tablets, laptops, kiosks, and mobiles (Android & iOS).

Enhance insights and benchmark against industry standards
Sentiment Analysis

Analyze workforce sentiment with AI-based, open-ended feedback and word cloud.

Strategic Analysis

View trends and heatmaps for focused improvements and strategic planning.


Compare results across departments or industry peers using relevant benchmarks.

Effortless Exports

Get relevant export options (PDF & CSV) to share data with internal stakeholders.

Create action plans to strategize organizational growth
Historic Insights

Compare and analyze historical data and trends to get to the root of problems and align your organization’s engagement efforts.

Action Plans

Get research-backed recommendations and action plans based on survey data and feedback.

Access Control

Control access to survey data and reports based on job function and responsibility.

Deliver surveys designed in collaboration with SHRM

Allow employees to provide honest responses to questions with anonymous surveys.


Ensure the reliability of user responses with researched and statistically validated questions.


Increase participation rates with short surveys that avoid responder fatigue and bias.

Open Feedback

Include open-ended questions to get detailed inputs on what's working and what's not.

Personalize the survey experience for all
Customized engagement

Add your unique engagement drivers or opt for surveys designed by experts for a deeper understanding of employee engagement levels. 

Tailored settings

Collect user info or keep it anonymous, 20+ global and regional language options, and set response limits per user.

Custom Data Presentation

Customize how the data is presented based on your needs; beyond built-in insights and reports.


Personalize the platform to align with your brand, culture, and program requirements.

Automate surveys and boost participation with AI
Survey Scheduling

Schedule surveys to be sent at regular intervals for every stage in the employee lifecycle.

Improve Participation

Triggers automated nudges, email notifications, and in-app alerts to drive participation.  

Response Alert

Get notified upon collecting enough survey responses, ensuring data reliability for in-depth analysis.

Mobile & Web Access

Allow employees to participate in surveys across multiple devices, such as desktops, tablets, laptops, kiosks, and mobiles (Android & iOS).

Enhance insights and benchmark against industry standards
Sentiment Analysis

Analyze workforce sentiment with AI-powered sentiment analysis of open-ended feedback. 

Strategic Analysis

View trends and heatmaps for focused improvements and strategic planning.


Compare results across departments or industry peers using relevant benchmarks.

Effortless Exports

Get relevant export options (PDF & CSV) to share data with internal stakeholders.

Create action plans to strategize organizational growth
Historic Insights

Compare and analyze historical data and trends to get to the root of problems and align your organization’s engagement efforts.

Action Plans

Get research-backed recommendations and action plans based on survey data and feedback.

Access Control

Control access to survey data and reports based on job function and responsibility.

Global Scale

Power an enterprise-wide employee listening and feedback strategy

Multilingual Capabilities

Collect feedback in 20+ global languages and automatically translate to English for analysis.

Data Privacy & Compliance

The platform adheres to all global standards including WCAG, SOC II, ISO 27001, CCPA, HIPPA, and GDPR.

Data Security

VAPT, code reviews, BCP, IDS, Firewalls, logging, monitoring, MFA, data encryption, and code audits.

Multi-region Deployments

Our global cloud infrastructure gives you the flexibility to choose how and where you run and store your data.

AI-powered Engagement

Empuls connects with AI tools to build analytical capabilities and unlock new engagement insights. 

White-labeled Frontend

The platform can be white-labeled with your branding, logo, colors, time zone, and more.


Empuls works with your everyday work tools

Your employees are already navigating multiple tools at work. We made it easy for them by integrating Empuls with your HRMS and single sign-on tools.

Microsoft Teams
Allow employees to recognize, reward, share feedback, and engage within Teams.
Add to Teams
Integrate with Empuls to deliver recognition, rewards, and surveys in the flow of work from within Slack.
Add to Slack
Keep employee data fresh and automate milestone celebrations with this integration. 
Learn More
SAP SuccessFactors
Automate employee inclusion in engagement initiatives and never miss any milestone celebrations.
Learn More
Google Workspace SSO
Involve every employee in your engagement initiatives with secure, single sign-on access to Empuls. 
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Azure AD
Provide employees secure access to Empuls with single sign-on and multi-factor authentication.
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Seamlessly sync employee data from BambooHR to engage every employee every day on Empuls.
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Keep employee data up-to-date in Empuls to involve your entire workforce in engagement programs.
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This integration ensures that employee data in Empuls is up-to-date for continuous engagement.
Learn More