The Ultimate Guide to Workplace Surveys

Employee Surveys & Feedback
Ultimate guide to workplace surveys
The essence of measuring employee experience begins with checking the employee's pulse. How to craft a happy work culture? Here's the art to master immaculate workplace surveys.

Measurement is the first step that leads to control and eventually to improvement. If you cannot measure something, you cannot understand it. If you cannot understand it, you cannot control it. If you cannot control it, you cannot improve it.” ― H. James Harrington

Workplace surveys are one of the most common tools used to sense employee pulse and learn what is important to employees. They are generally used to measure satisfaction levels, concerns, and confidence at work. Surveys provide hidden insights on specific as well as broad issues that go unnoticed by the management.

However, conducting a survey is only the first step towards greater engagement. The biggest failure of a survey happens when a survey is conducted before any action is taken for the last survey conducted. Creating a plan to act on the results and implement changes that are visible to others is equally important. 

In this guide, you will learn more on

  • Reasons to conduct employee surveys
  • Common Types Of Workplace Surveys
  • Timing and frequency of surveys
  • Questions you must ask in employee surveys
  • Some interesting case studies
  • Tips for increasing participation
