Attract & Hire

Employee feedback about the attract and hire processes

Employee feedback about the attract and hire processes
Attract & Hire

Employee feedback about the attract and hire processes

Our Attract and Hire survey helps you get feedback from your new hires on your hiring processes.

Attract and Hire are the first two stages of an employee’s life cycle within your organization. The first impression is the best impression. Being able to find your company’s JD on popular sites, being able to have clarity on the JD, and having a hiring process which is seamless and meaningful go a long way in creating a good first impression on anyone who joins your organization.

This survey template is designed to help HR collect feedback from new hires about the attracting and hiring processes. Click and download this easily downloadable, editable, and shareable survey template (available as Google forms). Complete with a quick guide on how to read the results, they are a handy tool for you to understand and improve your attract and hire processes- to make that good first impression.