A Guide to Building & Maintaining Your Culture “Garden”

Organizational Culture
A guide to building and maintaining your culture garden
“Culture is the underlying fabric that holds an organization together. When the fabric is strong, groups can endure major challenges and thrive during better times. If the fabric is tattered, groups may manage to get by, but employees, projects and clients fall through the gaps.” Kevin Oakes - ‘Culture Renovation’

Company culture is an area that’s received more attention and focus over the years as businesses have seen and felt the power and difference it can make. In fact, in 2014 Merriam-Webster announced that “culture” was the word of the year, with more lookups than any other word. And in that same year, a global survey conducted by McKinsey & Co. found that spending time on culture was a key priority of C-Suite executives.  

This is exactly why the world’s most successful companies understand that everything starts and ends with culture, and use culture as a competitive advantage. They clearly define it,  effectively weave it into everything they formally and informally do, and consistently and effectively deliver against it across the entire organization. And if you want further proof of the importance of culture, just look at how many HR roles now have the word “culture” in the job title.

“Culture is the underlying fabric that holds an organization together.  When the fabric is strong, groups can endure major challenges and  thrive during better times. If the fabric is tattered, groups may manage to get by, but employees, projects and clients fall through the gaps.”  Kevin Oakes - ‘Culture Renovation’

In this Guide, you’ll learn more on

  • What is Culture
  • Why is Culture Important
  • How to build your Culture
  • Maintaining your Culture “Garden”