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Glossary of Human Resources Management and Employee Benefit Terms

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Employee Perks

Employee perks are additional benefits or incentives employers offer employees on top of their regular compensation package. These perks are designed to help attract, retain, and motivate employees by providing additional value and rewards beyond their base salary.

What are employee perks?

Employee perks are additional benefits or rewards companies provide their employees beyond their basic salary, wages, or standard benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. Employee perks can come in various forms, such as free meals, gym memberships, childcare assistance, tuition reimbursement, and more.

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Why do companies offer employee perks?

Companies offer employee perks to attract and retain top talent, improve employee morale and motivation, and increase job satisfaction and productivity. By offering additional benefits beyond the standard ones, companies can differentiate themselves from competitors and create a positive work environment.

What are some examples of employee perks?

Some examples of employee perks include:

  • Health and wellness benefits, such as gym memberships, wellness programs, or on-site fitness facilities.
  • Retirement benefits, such as 401(k) plans, pensions, or stock options.
  • Paid time off, including vacation days, sick leave, and personal days.
  • Flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting, flexible schedules, or job sharing.
  • Employee discounts on products or services offered by the employer or partner companies.
  • Professional development opportunities, such as training, conferences, or tuition reimbursement.
  • Social events, such as team building activities, company outings, or holiday parties.
  • Childcare benefits, such as on-site daycare or reimbursement for childcare expenses.
  • Transportation benefits, such as subsidized public transportation passes, parking reimbursement, or bike-sharing programs.
  • Other perks, such as free snacks, coffee, or other amenities in the workplace.

How do employee perks affect employee satisfaction?

Employee perks can significantly affect employee satisfaction by: 

  • Providing additional value to the employee outside of their salary and standard benefits. 
  • Employees who receive perks are more likely to feel valued and appreciated by their employer, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction and loyalty.

Can employee perks be a substitute for a competitive salary?

Employee perks should not be considered a substitute for a competitive salary. While employee perks can enhance job satisfaction and motivation, a competitive salary is still the primary factor that employees consider when evaluating job offers. Companies should strive to provide a balance of competitive salaries and benefits to attract and retain top talent.

How to run an employee perks program?

Running an employee perks program requires careful planning and execution to ensure its success. Here are some steps you can follow to run an effective employee perks program:

  1. Understand your employees: Before implementing any perks program, you must understand what your employees value and what motivates them. Conduct surveys focus groups or one-on-one meetings to gather employee feedback and identify their needs and preferences.
  2. Develop a budget: Determine the number of resources you can allocate to your employee perks program. Consider the costs of each perk, including implementation, maintenance, and administration.
  3. Identify and prioritize perks: Based on the feedback from your employees and your budget, identify the most relevant and valuable perks for your employees. Prioritize the perks that will have the most significant impact on employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention.
  4. Communicate the program: Once you have identified the perks, communicate the program to your employees. Explain the program's benefits, how to access the perks, and any eligibility requirements.
  5. Implement and maintain the program: Ensure that the perks are implemented correctly and are accessible to all eligible employees. Maintain the program by regularly monitoring usage, evaluating its impact, and making necessary adjustments.
  6. Evaluate the program: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your employee perks program. Collect employee feedback, track engagement and retention rates, and measure the return on investment. Use this information to make data-driven decisions and improve the program.

Employee pulse surveys:

These are short surveys that can be sent frequently to check what your employees think about an issue quickly. The survey comprises fewer questions (not more than 10) to get the information quickly. These can be administered at regular intervals (monthly/weekly/quarterly).

One-on-one meetings:

Having periodic, hour-long meetings for an informal chat with every team member is an excellent way to get a true sense of what’s happening with them. Since it is a safe and private conversation, it helps you get better details about an issue.


eNPS (employee Net Promoter score) is one of the simplest yet effective ways to assess your employee's opinion of your company. It includes one intriguing question that gauges loyalty. An example of eNPS questions include: How likely are you to recommend our company to others? Employees respond to the eNPS survey on a scale of 1-10, where 10 denotes they are ‘highly likely’ to recommend the company and 1 signifies they are ‘highly unlikely’ to recommend it.

Based on the responses, employees can be placed in three different categories:

  • Promoters
    Employees who have responded positively or agreed.
  • Detractors
    Employees who have reacted negatively or disagreed.
  • Passives
    Employees who have stayed neutral with their responses.

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