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The Empuls Glossary

Glossary of Human Resources Management and Employee Benefit Terms

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What is the major purpose of an employee orientation program?

The major purpose of an employee orientation program is that it allows new hires to get familiarized with the necessary information and objective, which helps in a smooth transition in roles and responsibilities and be an asset to the organization.

It also allows new employees to connect with their colleagues, supervisors, and other members, which helps them to feel engaged, valued, and motivated toward the role.

What is employee orientation?

Employee orientation, also referred to as Onboarding, which is a formal introduction between the new employee and the organization, tends to be conducted in the initial days or weeks of joining. This process helps the new employee to get familiar with the new workplace, which basically includes providing information, resources, and assistance to the new employee to feel comfortable in the new working space and work to their full potential.

What is the purpose of orientation?

The primary purpose of orientation is to facilitate a smooth transition for new employees into their roles within the organization. It aims to familiarize them with the company's mission, values, culture, policies, procedures, and expectations, thereby helping them feel welcomed, informed, and prepared to contribute effectively to the organization.

What 5 elements will you include in the orientation program?

The five elements that needs to be included in every orientation program are:

  • Company overview: Providing information about the organization's history, mission, values, goals, and structure.
  • Job role and responsibilities: Clearly define the new employee's job duties, expectations, performance metrics, and reporting structure.
  • Policies and procedures: Explaining company policies, such as attendance, code of conduct, safety regulations, IT security, and any other relevant guidelines.
  • Introduction to colleagues: Facilitating introductions to coworkers, supervisors, and key personnel to foster networking and collaboration.
  • Training and development: Offering training sessions or resources to help the new employee develop the necessary skills and knowledge for their role and career growth within the organization.  
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How to orient new employees?

The format of the Employee orientation program may vary. The basic elements are as follows:

  1. Introduction and initiatory greetings
  2. Overview of the company
  3. Policies and protocols
  4. Job focused training
  5. Benefits and perks
  6. Workplace safety
  7. Team introduction
  8. Essential support
  9. Follow-up

      1. Introduction and initiatory greetings: The meetings are conducted by the human resources department, which introduces and makes the first formal greetings to          the manager and the members and co-workers.

        2. Overview of the company: Now, employees are provided with insights into the company’s mission, basic values, and goals to be achieved, and their role will help            in overall success.

        3. Policies and protocols: The policies and protocols are informed, which involves leaving policies, code of conduct, and confidentiality of the data.

        4. Job-focused training: New employees are trained according to their specific job roles, which helps them to upskill and get familiar with the tools and techniques           being used in the organization; this training includes technical training and skill development programs.

        5. Benefits and perks: Employees are familiarized with the certain benefits and perks they would be provided throughout, such as healthcare plans, loans, and other           perks.

        6. Workplace safety: All the knowledge related to workspace safety and any specific health and safety guidelines are provided in the session.

        7. Team introduction: Introduced to their team members and department co-workers, also get familiarized with the mode of communication and interaction sessions.

       8. Essential support: Employees are provided with the resources like organizational sheets, manuals and policies, and tools.

       9. Follow-up: During the orientation, new hires are provided with ongoing support and certain follow-up meets to cross-check with them, as this helps them to feel          supported and get integrated into the company.

What is the major purpose of an employee orientation program?

The major purpose of an employee orientation program is that it allows new hires to get familiarized with the necessary information and objective, which helps in a smooth transition in roles and responsibilities and be an asset to the organization.

It also allows new employees to connect with their colleagues, supervisors, and other members, which helps them to feel engaged, valued, and motivated toward the role.

Why is employee orientation important?

Employee orientation is considered important because of several ways:

  1. Easy onboarding
  2. Clear expectations
  3. Information transfer
  4. Engagement and motivation
  5. Connecting with employees
  6. Productive performance
  7. Job retention

    1. Easy onboarding: This helps a smooth transition in their roles and responsibilities and assimilate with their surroundings to work effectively.

      2. Clear expectations: It helps to ensure the basic job positioning and performance expectations so that they can align with the code of conduct and efforts.

      3. Information transfer: Orientation allows the organization to pass the information to the new hires, which includes mission, vision, and culture, so that they can          contribute to their full potential.

      4. Engagement and motivation: A well-established orientation allows the creation of a positive impression and makes new hires feel engaged, which keeps them          motivated to work towards the goal.

     5. Connecting with employees: Employee orientation allows new employees to build relationships, such as connecting with co-workers, managers, and other          members. This allows employees to have a sense of belonging.

      6. Productive performance: Well- organized orientation fosters new employees to gain knowledge and skills related to their job roles and perform accordingly; this          allows employees to understand tasks and tools through various training and mentoring programs.

      7. Job retention: Onboarding contributes to employee satisfaction, making them feel welcomed and supported. This positive experience fosters them to commit to          long-term relationships with the organization.

How to create an employee orientation program?

To create an effective employee orientation program, follow these steps:

  • Assess needs: Identify the key information, skills, and resources new employees need to succeed in their roles.
  • Plan content: Develop a structured agenda covering company overview, job roles, policies, procedures, training, and introductions.
  • Gather resources: Compile relevant materials, documents, and training resources to support the orientation process.
  • Design delivery methods: Determine how the orientation will be delivered, whether through in-person sessions, online modules, or a combination of both.
  • Schedule sessions: Coordinate dates and times for orientation sessions, ensuring they align with new hires' start dates.
  • Assign responsibilities: Delegate tasks to HR staff, managers, and mentors involved in conducting the orientation.
  • Gather feedback: Solicit feedback from both new hires and facilitators to continuously improve the orientation program.

What is included in employee orientation?

Employee orientation typically includes:

  • Company overview (history, mission, values)
  • Job role and responsibilities
  • Workplace policies and procedures
  • Introduction to colleagues and key personnel
  • Training and development opportunities
  • Benefits and perks information
  • Safety and security protocols
  • Organizational culture and expectations.

Employee pulse surveys:

These are short surveys that can be sent frequently to check what your employees think about an issue quickly. The survey comprises fewer questions (not more than 10) to get the information quickly. These can be administered at regular intervals (monthly/weekly/quarterly).

One-on-one meetings:

Having periodic, hour-long meetings for an informal chat with every team member is an excellent way to get a true sense of what’s happening with them. Since it is a safe and private conversation, it helps you get better details about an issue.


eNPS (employee Net Promoter score) is one of the simplest yet effective ways to assess your employee's opinion of your company. It includes one intriguing question that gauges loyalty. An example of eNPS questions include: How likely are you to recommend our company to others? Employees respond to the eNPS survey on a scale of 1-10, where 10 denotes they are ‘highly likely’ to recommend the company and 1 signifies they are ‘highly unlikely’ to recommend it.

Based on the responses, employees can be placed in three different categories:

  • Promoters
    Employees who have responded positively or agreed.
  • Detractors
    Employees who have reacted negatively or disagreed.
  • Passives
    Employees who have stayed neutral with their responses.

What is the importance of employee orientation?

The importance of employee orientation:

  • First impressions matter: An employee's first days and weeks on the job leave a lasting impression. Orientation provides the chance to make that impression positive by showcasing the company's commitment to their success and well-being.
  • Alignment with company culture and values: Orientation serves as a platform to introduce new hires to the organization's culture, values, and mission. This alignment fosters a sense of belonging and helps employees understand how their roles contribute to the larger goals.
  • Clarity on expectations: Clear communication of job roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations during orientation prevents confusion and enhances productivity from the outset.
  • Building relationships: Meeting key team members and learning about departmental functions during orientation facilitates relationship-building, which is essential for collaboration and a supportive work environment.
  • Retention and engagement: Employees who undergo a structured orientation are more likely to feel engaged and committed to the organization, leading to higher retention rates and lower turnover costs.

What are the components of effective employee orientation?

The components of an effective employee orientation are:

  • Welcome and introduction: A warm welcome from senior leadership sets a positive tone. An overview of the company's history, mission, and values helps new hires understand its purpose and ethos.
  • administrative essentials: This includes completing the necessary paperwork, understanding HR policies, benefits enrollment, and logistical details like office hours, dress code, and security protocols.
  • Job role and expectations: Detailed explanation of the new employee's role, goals, performance metrics, and how it aligns with the broader organizational objectives.
  • Training and Development: Providing initial training on systems, tools, processes, and any specific skills required for the job ensures that employees feel equipped to perform their duties effectively.
  • Introduction to team and resources: Facilitating introductions to colleagues, mentors, and key stakeholders fosters a sense of belonging. Additionally, familiarizing employees with available resources, such as employee assistance programs and support networks, promotes well-being.
  • Feedback mechanism: Setting up a feedback mechanism allows new hires to express concerns, ask questions, and provide input on their onboarding experience, facilitating continuous improvement.
  • Ongoing support and check-ins: Regular follow-ups and check-ins in the initial months help new employees acclimate, address challenges, and stay on track with their goals.

What is the difference between employee orientation and onboarding?

Here's a breakdown of the key differences:

Employee orientation:

  • Focus: A brief introduction to the company, its culture, and basic workplace procedures.
  • Duration: Typically takes place over a day or a few days.
  • Content: Orientation often covers essential information like company policies, benefits overview, IT setup, tours of the workspace, and introductions to key colleagues.

Employee onboarding:

  • Focus: A comprehensive program designed to help new hires adjust to their role, understand the company culture, and become productive members of the team.
  • Duration: Onboarding can last for weeks, months, or even a year, depending on the complexity of the role and the organization's approach.
  • Content: Onboarding delves deeper into job-specific training, mentorship opportunities, performance goal setting, team integration activities, and ongoing support throughout the new hire's initial adjustment period.

What is employee orientation best practices?

A well-structured orientation program sets the tone for a positive employee experience. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Pre-boarding communication: Start the welcoming process even before the first day. Send a welcome email with essential details, answer any questions, and express your excitement about the new hire joining the team.
  • Warm welcome & introductions: Ensure a warm welcome on the first day. Introduce the new hire to key colleagues, including their direct supervisor, team members, and HR representatives.
  • Clear & organized agenda: Provide a clear agenda for the orientation program, outlining the topics covered and the schedule for the day(s).
  • Company overview: Present an engaging overview of the company's history, mission, values, and culture. This helps the new hire understand the organization's bigger picture and their role within it.
  • Benefits & policies: Thoroughly explain employee benefits, compensation structure, and important company policies, such as vacation time, sick leave, and code of conduct.
  • Logistics & resources: Equip the new hire with the necessary tools and resources to succeed, such as setting up their workspace, IT access, and login credentials for company software.
  • Interactive activities: Incorporate interactive activities, like team-building exercises or icebreakers, to make the orientation more engaging and help the new hire feel comfortable interacting with colleagues.
  • Feedback & Q&A: Encourage the new hire to ask questions throughout the orientation and provide opportunities for feedback to ensure they feel heard and have a clear understanding of the information presented.

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