Celebrate with service awards and milestone rewards

Transform milestones, years of service, and life events into joyful celebrations with the entire work family using a modern milestone and service awards program.

Esplorare Empuls

Appreciate employee loyalty with service awards

Organization-wide celebrations

Foster a culture of celebration through Wish Boards and AI-generated recognition messages, ensuring employee service awards are acknowledged company-wide.

Amplify the joy and recognition, creating a positive and unified workplace culture.

Personalized & automated awards

Celebrate service anniversaries and significant milestones, such as the completion of 2, 3, 5, 10 years, and so on, that align with your unique people strategy.

Personalize and automate each celebration with company-branded award certificates, letters of appreciation, and instant rewards that can be redeemed on the go via a mobile app.

Tax-compliant rewards

Forget budget reconciliation clashing with your service award programs. Achieve tax compliance smoothly, leaving you free to focus on what truly matters.

Generate comprehensive reports in seconds, zoom in on individual details, and gather crystal-clear data on every reward expenditure.

Custom rewards

Empuls lets you curate rewards to match your program requirements, company values, and employee preferences.

Give employees access to our global catalog ​​so they can pick from any of the 1M+ choices.

P.S. 57% of Giift’s employees prefer to shop at Amazon, so we integrated it with Empuls Rewards.

Common Forum

Organization-wide celebrations

Foster a culture of celebration through Wish Boards and AI-generated recognition messages, ensuring employee service awards are acknowledged company-wide.

Amplify the joy and recognition, creating a positive and unified workplace culture.


Personalized & automated awards

Celebrate service anniversaries and significant milestones, such as the completion of 2, 3, 5, 10 years, and so on, that align with your unique people strategy.

Personalize and automate each celebration with company-branded award certificates, letters of appreciation, and instant rewards that can be redeemed on the go via a mobile app.

Tax Benefits

Tax-compliant rewards

Forget budget reconciliation clashing with your service award programs. Achieve tax compliance smoothly, leaving you free to focus on what truly matters.

Generate comprehensive reports in seconds, zoom in on individual details, and gather crystal-clear data on every reward expenditure.

Curated Rewards

Custom rewards

Empuls lets you curate rewards to match your program requirements, company values, and employee preferences.

Give employees access to our global catalog ​​so they can pick from any of the 1M+ choices.

P.S. 57% of Giift’s employees prefer to shop at Amazon, so we integrated it with Empuls Rewards.

Celebrazioni di pietre miliari

Turn every milestone into a company-wide celebration

Every milestone, personal and professional, deserves a celebration. Empuls makes sure you never miss out on celebrating every one of these milestones. Leverage automation to deliver personalized greetings, rewards, and gifts at every milestone in the employee lifecycle, from onboarding to retirement.

Induction and Joining Delights
Rewards for Personal Occasions
Festive Rewards
Milestone Rewards
Premi basati sulle prestazioni
Peer to Peer Rewards
Perks and Promotions
Premi per i referral
Long Service Rewards
Sales Incentives
Retirements/Exit Rewards

Celebrations that resonate with your teams

Onboarding to Exit

Elevate every step of the employee journey, from onboarding to retirement or exit, with meaningful rewards.

Personal Achievements

Extend applause beyond the office, recognizing achievements like TED talks, social impact work, or 10K runs.

Professional Milestones

Reward employee milestones like promotions and show your thanks for employee and client referrals.

Personal Milestones

Involve the work family in celebrating employee birthdays and anniversaries with rewards that bring the party.

Life Events

Mark life's chapters, like weddings, parenthood, and new beginnings, with memorable and thoughtful gifts.

Festivals & Holidays

Celebrate special days, like Mother's Day, Father’s Day, Appreciation Day, with meaningful gifts.

Esplorare Empuls

Tutti gli strumenti necessari per ottenere un riconoscimento efficace dei dipendenti

Coinvolgere tutti utilizzando contenuti coinvolgenti

Trasmettere notizie sull'azienda, vittorie dei clienti, aggiornamenti sulle politiche, IJP e qualsiasi informazione che debba essere condivisa a livello di organizzazione.


Raccogliete le opinioni in modo rapido e partecipativo. Siate democratici nel trovare la migliore linea d'azione.


Promuovere la consapevolezza e l'adozione di politiche aziendali nuove ed esistenti come POSH, DEI, InfoSec e altre.

Chiedimi tutto

Aprite il forum per le domande dei dipendenti alla leadership durante gli All-Hands o altre riunioni importanti.

Promuovere un'elevata partecipazione a livello aziendale

Permettete ai dipendenti di reagire e di impegnarsi utilizzando commenti, like, battimani, GIF, emoji e allegati.


Coinvolgete l'intera famiglia di lavoro nella celebrazione di eventi della vita, traguardi professionali, vittorie dei clienti e altro ancora.

Condivisione sociale

Condividete i risultati lavorativi, i riconoscimenti aziendali, gli annunci di lavoro e molto altro con la vostra rete professionale su LinkedIn.

Messaggi appuntati

Appuntate un post in cima al newsfeed per presentare un annuncio importante o per evidenziare i vostri contenuti migliori.

Sostituire le lavagne da ufficio fisiche con quelle digitali
Cartellone dei desideri per il compleanno

Raddoppiate la gioia di festeggiare un compleanno con gli auguri personalizzati dei colleghi.

Cartella dei desideri per gli eventi della vita

Raccogliere gli auguri quando si celebrano eventi della vita come matrimoni, l'arrivo di un bambino o l'acquisto di una casa.

Cartella dei desideri per il premio di servizio

Per rendere ancora più intenso lo spirito di festa, inviate gli auguri di buone feste ai vostri amici di lavoro e alle loro famiglie.

Amplify celebrations with the Wall of Fame & Wishboard
Wall of Fame

Showcase service awards and various milestones on the Wall of Fame for organization-wide celebration and applause.


Amplify the celebrations with a Wishboard to collate heartfelt messages from colleagues using AI-backed nudges.

AI-crafted Wishes

Take the help of AI-generated messages to craft meaningful wishes.

Download Keepsake

The Wishboard can be turned into a keepsake by converting it into a PDF or hard copy.

Free your admins with award & reward automation
Automated Workflows

Save time and increase efficiency for your HR teams by leveraging automation and workflows to deliver a delightful experience with every award.

Timely Notifications

Never miss a celebration with milestone alerts and coworker notifications.

Delivery Support

Streamline the delivery of physical or digital service award packages with your company's branding using Empuls.

Stay cost-effective without compromising on quality
Cost-effective Catalog

Choose cost-effective options with Empuls to reduce employee reward program expenses.

No Mark-up Fees

Avoid exorbitant markups and convenience fees paid to existing vendors.

Pay at Redemption

Pay only when employees redeem or claim rewards, ensuring cost control without sacrificing quality.

Regalate ai vostri dipendenti il dono della scelta

Esplorate il mercato dinamico dei premi di Empuls, che offre regali tangibili da Amazon, swag interni personalizzati, un catalogo globale di carte regalo, merce di marca, premi esperienziali e opzioni personalizzate.

Risorsa in primo piano

A guide to getting employee recognition “Right”

Explore the transformative power of employee recognition in this guide by experienced HR professional, rewards practitioner, and author, Debra Corey. Discover the 'right way' to implement impactful recognition strategies, design effective plans, and gain valuable tips to build a positive employee recognition program.

Scarica l'Ebook gratuito

Empuls funziona con gli strumenti di lavoro di tutti i giorni

I vostri dipendenti sono già alle prese con diversi strumenti di lavoro. Noi li abbiamo agevolati integrando Empuls con il vostro HRMS e gli strumenti di single sign-on.

Con questa integrazione è possibile mantenere freschi i dati dei dipendenti e automatizzare le celebrazioni dei traguardi. 
Per saperne di più
SAP SuccessFactors
Automatizzate l'inclusione dei dipendenti nelle iniziative di coinvolgimento e non perdete mai le celebrazioni delle pietre miliari.
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Google Workspace SSO
Coinvolgete ogni dipendente nelle vostre iniziative di coinvolgimento con un accesso sicuro e single sign-on a Empuls. 
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Azure AD
Fornite ai dipendenti un accesso sicuro a Empuls con single sign-on e autenticazione a più fattori.
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Sincronizzate senza problemi i dati dei dipendenti da BambooHR per coinvolgere ogni giorno tutti i dipendenti su Empuls.
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Mantenete i dati dei dipendenti aggiornati in Empuls per coinvolgere l'intera forza lavoro nei programmi di coinvolgimento.
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Questa integrazione garantisce che i dati dei dipendenti in Empuls siano aggiornati per un coinvolgimento continuo.
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