Improving employee retention with rewards and recognition on Empuls


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Premi legati alle prestazioni 


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aumento dell'impegno dei dipendenti 


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adozione di Empuls da parte dei dipendenti


adozione attiva di Empuls da parte dei dipendenti 


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riconoscimenti tra pari condivisi negli ultimi 6 mesi

Improving employee retention with rewards and recognition on Empuls


adozione attiva di Empuls da parte dei dipendenti 


 hanno completato il sondaggio sul coinvolgimento in 7 giorni


riconoscimenti tra pari condivisi negli ultimi 6 mesi


Aumento dell'adozione dei pagamenti 


Aumento delle vendite unitarie in meno di 90 giorni


Adozione di Compass da parte dei team di vendita

BusinessOne è composta da problem solver intellettualmente curiosi e da esperti di tecnologia che collaborano alla progettazione e all'esecuzione di strategie di successo per le aziende del settore sanitario e delle scienze della vita. L'azienda offre prospettive di mercato a valore aggiunto, report personalizzati e dati integrati. Dispone di una fonte proprietaria di informazioni sui payer e sui pharmacy benefit manager (PBM), comprese le relazioni tra payer e affiliati, i PBM e le farmacie specializzate.

Vijayalakshmi Mahesh Kumar è a capo del team Risorse umane di BusinessOne Technologies. Costruisce l'employer branding di BusinessOne Technologies identificando le lacune dei processi HR e dei dipendenti esistenti e migliorandoli.

Trattenere i dipendenti in un settore unico
BusinessOne ha una nicchia di business unica nel suo genere: tecnologia e farmaceutica. I loro tecnologi sono esperti di software farmaceutici tradizionali e moderni, quindi trovare le giuste competenze è stata una sfida. Questa sfida ha aumentato i costi di sostituzione di un dipendente, per cui la fidelizzazione dei dipendenti è una priorità fondamentale per BusinessOne.

Il crescente divario nella R&R
Il programma di R&R di BusinessOne Technologies era utilizzato in modo intermittente e consisteva in denaro, certificati, assegni e alcuni premi. Il team delle risorse umane ha anche condotto discussioni di gruppo e incontri individuali con i dipendenti per comprendere le aree di miglioramento delle risorse umane e dei processi dei dipendenti. Da queste discussioni è emerso che R&R è una lacuna sostanziale nei processi HR.

Smooth, uninterrupted, and user-friendly Empuls R&R
The Empuls solution was seamless to the employees with easy integration into their existing business processes and systems. It provided the capability for the rewards processes to be smooth and uninterrupted for the employees. The platform's ease of usability, high-quality redemption options, and prompt customer service made Empuls the perfect solution for their needs. 

Instantaneous rewards
The R&R process needed to be frequent and timely, accommodate spot awards, and include a 'pat on the back option. Empuls provided this flexibility along with dynamic rewards.

"We wanted a quality solution that improved our employer branding. Today, there is a lot of peer pressure that affects attrition. Thus, the general outlook of the company as an agile, modern organization is important in employee retention - and having a robust R&R program is a significant part of that endeavor. Empuls enabled us to do that re-branding." - Vijayalakshmi Mahesh Kumar, HR Lead, BusinessOne Technologies

Achieving zero attrition
Within a year of using Empuls, employee attrition reduced from ten to zero percent. This reduction is attributed to spot awards and the culture of "pat-on-the-backs" that improved employee morale. There was also a widespread emotion of employees starting to believe that "it is good to reward" and the empathy of "people deserve to be rewarded."

Improvement in employer branding
An organization's focus on employee well-being and R&R gives the impression that they are progressive and modern. This change improved internal employer branding - employees felt that they were "doing the right thing at the right time." Employee-employer communication improved around the advent of rewards, and this also contributed to the decreased attrition. The perceptions of transparency and equity improved throughout the year after Empuls R&R was implemented.

Enhanced productivity
To increase agility, BusinessOne used Empuls to motivate employees to learn quickly, adapt, and apply that new knowledge on the job. Internal company dashboards indicate that employees continue to be engaged and are continuously improving their performance. Between March 2018 to March 2019, BusinessOne observed a twenty percent increase in productivity.

Improved the reward process efficiency
Employees at BusinessOne were delighted by the variety of rewards available in Empuls. BusinessOne has a multi-generational workforce, and the varied choice of redemption options is essential to cater to all of them inclusively. The experiential reward options could be extended to employees' families, like family dining and vacation experiences.The HR leaders saw the multi-fold effects of experiential rewards on employees and their families. Empuls rewards, when used for team outings, helped improve team bonding and cohesiveness.

The way forward
BusinessOne's Vijayalakshmi and the HR team continue to leverage Empuls to increase employee engagement by promoting a culture of appreciation across their organization. They are constantly evaluating their R&R initiatives to make improvements over time, leading to a far-reaching impact.

Siete pronti per iniziare?
Contatto vendite

BusinessOne è composta da problem solver intellettualmente curiosi e da esperti di tecnologia che collaborano alla progettazione e all'esecuzione di strategie di successo per le aziende del settore sanitario e delle scienze della vita. L'azienda offre prospettive di mercato a valore aggiunto, report personalizzati e dati integrati. Dispone di una fonte proprietaria di informazioni sui payer e sui pharmacy benefit manager (PBM), comprese le relazioni tra payer e affiliati, i PBM e le farmacie specializzate.

Vijayalakshmi Mahesh Kumar è a capo del team Risorse umane di BusinessOne Technologies. Costruisce l'employer branding di BusinessOne Technologies identificando le lacune dei processi HR e dei dipendenti esistenti e migliorandoli.

Trattenere i dipendenti in un settore unico
BusinessOne ha una nicchia di business unica nel suo genere: tecnologia e farmaceutica. I loro tecnologi sono esperti di software farmaceutici tradizionali e moderni, quindi trovare le giuste competenze è stata una sfida. Questa sfida ha aumentato i costi di sostituzione di un dipendente, per cui la fidelizzazione dei dipendenti è una priorità fondamentale per BusinessOne.

Il crescente divario nella R&R
Il programma di R&R di BusinessOne Technologies era utilizzato in modo intermittente e consisteva in denaro, certificati, assegni e alcuni premi. Il team delle risorse umane ha anche condotto discussioni di gruppo e incontri individuali con i dipendenti per comprendere le aree di miglioramento delle risorse umane e dei processi dei dipendenti. Da queste discussioni è emerso che R&R è una lacuna sostanziale nei processi HR.

Smooth, uninterrupted, and user-friendly Empuls R&R
The Empuls solution was seamless to the employees with easy integration into their existing business processes and systems. It provided the capability for the rewards processes to be smooth and uninterrupted for the employees. The platform's ease of usability, high-quality redemption options, and prompt customer service made Empuls the perfect solution for their needs. 

Instantaneous rewards
The R&R process needed to be frequent and timely, accommodate spot awards, and include a 'pat on the back option. Empuls provided this flexibility along with dynamic rewards.

"We wanted a quality solution that improved our employer branding. Today, there is a lot of peer pressure that affects attrition. Thus, the general outlook of the company as an agile, modern organization is important in employee retention - and having a robust R&R program is a significant part of that endeavor. Empuls enabled us to do that re-branding." - Vijayalakshmi Mahesh Kumar, HR Lead, BusinessOne Technologies

Achieving zero attrition
Within a year of using Empuls, employee attrition reduced from ten to zero percent. This reduction is attributed to spot awards and the culture of "pat-on-the-backs" that improved employee morale. There was also a widespread emotion of employees starting to believe that "it is good to reward" and the empathy of "people deserve to be rewarded."

Improvement in employer branding
An organization's focus on employee well-being and R&R gives the impression that they are progressive and modern. This change improved internal employer branding - employees felt that they were "doing the right thing at the right time." Employee-employer communication improved around the advent of rewards, and this also contributed to the decreased attrition. The perceptions of transparency and equity improved throughout the year after Empuls R&R was implemented.

Enhanced productivity
To increase agility, BusinessOne used Empuls to motivate employees to learn quickly, adapt, and apply that new knowledge on the job. Internal company dashboards indicate that employees continue to be engaged and are continuously improving their performance. Between March 2018 to March 2019, BusinessOne observed a twenty percent increase in productivity.

Improved the reward process efficiency
Employees at BusinessOne were delighted by the variety of rewards available in Empuls. BusinessOne has a multi-generational workforce, and the varied choice of redemption options is essential to cater to all of them inclusively. The experiential reward options could be extended to employees' families, like family dining and vacation experiences.The HR leaders saw the multi-fold effects of experiential rewards on employees and their families. Empuls rewards, when used for team outings, helped improve team bonding and cohesiveness.

The way forward
BusinessOne's Vijayalakshmi and the HR team continue to leverage Empuls to increase employee engagement by promoting a culture of appreciation across their organization. They are constantly evaluating their R&R initiatives to make improvements over time, leading to a far-reaching impact.

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Improving employee retention with rewards and recognition on Empuls

Tempo di lettura: 3 minuti
Unione di uomo e tecnologia

BusinessOne è composta da problem solver intellettualmente curiosi e da esperti di tecnologia che collaborano alla progettazione e all'esecuzione di strategie di successo per le aziende del settore sanitario e delle scienze della vita. L'azienda offre prospettive di mercato a valore aggiunto, report personalizzati e dati integrati. Dispone di una fonte proprietaria di informazioni sui payer e sui pharmacy benefit manager (PBM), comprese le relazioni tra payer e affiliati, i PBM e le farmacie specializzate.

Vijayalakshmi Mahesh Kumar è a capo del team Risorse umane di BusinessOne Technologies. Costruisce l'employer branding di BusinessOne Technologies identificando le lacune dei processi HR e dei dipendenti esistenti e migliorandoli.

Trattenere i dipendenti in un settore unico
BusinessOne ha una nicchia di business unica nel suo genere: tecnologia e farmaceutica. I loro tecnologi sono esperti di software farmaceutici tradizionali e moderni, quindi trovare le giuste competenze è stata una sfida. Questa sfida ha aumentato i costi di sostituzione di un dipendente, per cui la fidelizzazione dei dipendenti è una priorità fondamentale per BusinessOne.

Il crescente divario nella R&R
Il programma di R&R di BusinessOne Technologies era utilizzato in modo intermittente e consisteva in denaro, certificati, assegni e alcuni premi. Il team delle risorse umane ha anche condotto discussioni di gruppo e incontri individuali con i dipendenti per comprendere le aree di miglioramento delle risorse umane e dei processi dei dipendenti. Da queste discussioni è emerso che R&R è una lacuna sostanziale nei processi HR.

Smooth, uninterrupted, and user-friendly Empuls R&R
The Empuls solution was seamless to the employees with easy integration into their existing business processes and systems. It provided the capability for the rewards processes to be smooth and uninterrupted for the employees. The platform's ease of usability, high-quality redemption options, and prompt customer service made Empuls the perfect solution for their needs. 

Instantaneous rewards
The R&R process needed to be frequent and timely, accommodate spot awards, and include a 'pat on the back option. Empuls provided this flexibility along with dynamic rewards.

"We wanted a quality solution that improved our employer branding. Today, there is a lot of peer pressure that affects attrition. Thus, the general outlook of the company as an agile, modern organization is important in employee retention - and having a robust R&R program is a significant part of that endeavor. Empuls enabled us to do that re-branding." - Vijayalakshmi Mahesh Kumar, HR Lead, BusinessOne Technologies

Achieving zero attrition
Within a year of using Empuls, employee attrition reduced from ten to zero percent. This reduction is attributed to spot awards and the culture of "pat-on-the-backs" that improved employee morale. There was also a widespread emotion of employees starting to believe that "it is good to reward" and the empathy of "people deserve to be rewarded."

Improvement in employer branding
An organization's focus on employee well-being and R&R gives the impression that they are progressive and modern. This change improved internal employer branding - employees felt that they were "doing the right thing at the right time." Employee-employer communication improved around the advent of rewards, and this also contributed to the decreased attrition. The perceptions of transparency and equity improved throughout the year after Empuls R&R was implemented.

Enhanced productivity
To increase agility, BusinessOne used Empuls to motivate employees to learn quickly, adapt, and apply that new knowledge on the job. Internal company dashboards indicate that employees continue to be engaged and are continuously improving their performance. Between March 2018 to March 2019, BusinessOne observed a twenty percent increase in productivity.

Improved the reward process efficiency
Employees at BusinessOne were delighted by the variety of rewards available in Empuls. BusinessOne has a multi-generational workforce, and the varied choice of redemption options is essential to cater to all of them inclusively. The experiential reward options could be extended to employees' families, like family dining and vacation experiences.The HR leaders saw the multi-fold effects of experiential rewards on employees and their families. Empuls rewards, when used for team outings, helped improve team bonding and cohesiveness.

The way forward
BusinessOne's Vijayalakshmi and the HR team continue to leverage Empuls to increase employee engagement by promoting a culture of appreciation across their organization. They are constantly evaluating their R&R initiatives to make improvements over time, leading to a far-reaching impact.

Tecnologia farmaceutica
Bensalem, Pennsylvania
Riconoscimento dei dipendenti
Mantenimento dei dipendenti
Empuls R&R capabilities loved by BusinessOne Tech


  • Facile da usare
  • Ricompensa ininterrotta
  • Facile da usare
  • Integrazioni senza soluzione di continuità
  • Altamente robusto

Premi e riconoscimenti

  • Riscatto di alta qualità
  • Premi frequenti e tempestivi
  • Premi spot
  • Riconoscimento intuitivo
  • Servizio clienti tempestivo
  • Cultura dell'apprezzamento
  • Ampia varietà di premi
  • Premi esperienziali
  • Apprezzamento trasparente e accessibile
  • Tracciamento dei premi
  • Riconoscimento in tempo reale

Lo sapevate?

Empuls Employee Engagement Platform has multiple use cases for your organization ranging from a social intranet to peer recognition, automated rewards, and surveys. Talk to us to find out more about how we can help you engage your employees better.

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Scolpire una cultura ricca di riconoscimenti

Il riconoscimento dei dipendenti è un modo comprovato per stimolare la motivazione dei dipendenti. L'apprezzamento di un dipendente non si limita più a un premio annuale o a un regalo di Natale. In questa guida abbiamo raccolto alcuni dei nostri esempi e idee preferiti per aiutarvi a costruire una cultura del riconoscimento continuo.

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