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✨ Jangan sampai ketinggalan! Daftarkan diri Anda untuk mengikuti Webinar Apresiasi Karyawan yang dijadwalkan pada tanggal 29 Februari.🎖️

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Glosarium Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia dan Ketentuan Tunjangan Karyawan

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Perjanjian Kerahasiaan Karyawan

An employee confidentiality agreement, also known as a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) or Confidentiality Agreement, is a legal contract between an employer and an employee that outlines the terms and conditions regarding the protection of confidential information belonging to the employer.

What is an employee confidentiality agreement?

An Employee Confidentiality Agreement, also known as a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), is a legally binding document. It outlines the terms and conditions under which an employee agrees to keep confidential information they encounter during their employment.

Employee Confidentiality Agreements are crucial for protecting the intellectual property, trade secrets, and competitive advantage of businesses. They help establish trust between employers and employees by ensuring that sensitive information remains confidential and is not misused or disclosed improperly.

Additionally, these agreements may be required by employers when employees have access to proprietary or confidential information as part of their job responsibilities.

Dengarkan, kenali, berikan penghargaan, dan pertahankan karyawan Anda dengan perangkat lunak keterlibatan karyawan kami  

What is the purpose of an employee confidentiality agreement?

The purpose of this are as follows:

  • Protecting sensitive information: An NDA safeguards sensitive information from being disclosed to unauthorized parties, ensuring it remains within the organization's confines.
  • Safeguarding trade secrets: It prevents employees from sharing valuable trade secrets that could harm the company's competitive position if revealed to competitors or the public.
  • Maintaining competitive advantage: By restricting the dissemination of proprietary information, NDAs help companies preserve their unique strategies, processes, and innovations.
  • Legal compliance: Employee confidentiality agreements ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations governing the protection of confidential information.

What are the key components of an employee confidentiality agreement?

The key components are:

  • Definition of confidential information: Clearly defining what constitutes confidential information ensures that employees understand the scope of their obligations.
  • Obligations of the employee: The agreement outlines the employee's responsibilities regarding handling, protecting, and non-disclosing confidential information.
  • Duration of confidentiality: It specifies the period during which the employee must maintain confidentiality, which may extend beyond the termination of employment.
  • Consequences of breach: The agreement stipulates the consequences of breaching confidentiality, including legal action and damages.

What are the different types of information covered?

The different types of information covered are:

  • Intellectual property: This includes patents, trademarks, copyrights, and any proprietary knowledge or innovations developed by the company.
  • Financial data: The agreement protects confidential financial information such as revenue figures, profit margins, and investment strategies.
  • Customer information: Personal data, purchase history, and other confidential customer information must be kept confidential to maintain trust and comply with privacy regulations.
  • Business strategies and plans: Strategic initiatives, marketing plans, and expansion strategies are confidential and should not be disclosed to competitors.

Which legal aspects to be considered for creating an employee confidential agreement?

The aspects you need to consider are:

  • State and federal laws: NDAs must comply with state and federal laws governing employment contracts and protecting confidential information.
  • Non-disclosure agreements vs. confidentiality clauses: Employers may use standalone NDAs or include confidentiality clauses within employment contracts, depending on their needs.
  • Scope and limitations: The agreement should clearly define the scope of confidentiality and any limitations on its applicability.

How to craft an effective employee confidentiality agreement?

To do so, you need to follow the mentioned below:

  • Tailoring the agreement to specific business needs: NDAs should be customized to address each business's unique requirements and risks.
  • Clear and unambiguous language: The agreement should use plain language to ensure that employees fully understand their obligations and the consequences of non-compliance.
  • Consultation with legal experts: Legal professionals can guide on drafting enforceable NDAs that comply with relevant laws and regulations.
  • Employee training and acknowledgment: Employees should receive training on the importance of confidentiality and acknowledge their understanding of the NDA's terms.

Survei denyut nadi karyawan:

Ini adalah survei singkat yang dapat sering dikirim untuk memeriksa pendapat karyawan Anda tentang suatu masalah dengan cepat. Survei ini terdiri dari lebih sedikit pertanyaan (tidak lebih dari 10) untuk mendapatkan informasi dengan cepat. Ini dapat diberikan secara berkala (bulanan / mingguan / triwulanan).

Pertemuan empat mata:

Mengadakan rapat berkala selama satu jam untuk obrolan informal dengan setiap anggota tim adalah cara terbaik untuk mendapatkan gambaran sebenarnya tentang apa yang terjadi dengan mereka. Karena ini adalah percakapan yang aman dan pribadi, ini membantu Anda mendapatkan detail yang lebih baik tentang suatu masalah.


eNPS (employee Net Promoter score) adalah salah satu cara paling sederhana namun efektif untuk menilai pendapat karyawan Anda tentang perusahaan Anda. Ini termasuk satu pertanyaan menarik yang mengukur loyalitas. Contoh pertanyaan eNPS meliputi: Seberapa besar kemungkinan Anda merekomendasikan perusahaan kami kepada orang lain? Karyawan menanggapi survei eNPS pada skala 1-10, di mana 10 menunjukkan bahwa mereka 'sangat mungkin' untuk merekomendasikan perusahaan dan 1 menandakan bahwa mereka 'sangat tidak mungkin' untuk merekomendasikannya.

Berdasarkan tanggapan, karyawan dapat ditempatkan dalam tiga kategori berbeda:

  • Promotor
    Karyawan yang telah merespons positif atau setuju.
  • Pencela
    Karyawan yang bereaksi negatif atau tidak setuju.
  • Pasif
    Karyawan yang tetap netral dengan tanggapan mereka.

How to implement and enforce employee confidentiality agreement?

The process is mentioned below:

  • Onboarding process: NDAs should be presented to employees during the onboarding process, and any questions or concerns should be addressed at that time.
  • Periodic reviews and updates: NDAs should be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure they remain relevant and effective in protecting the company's interests.
  • Remedies for breach: The agreement should outline the remedies available to the employer in case of a breach of confidentiality, such as injunctive relief and monetary damages.
  • Handling of disputes: Procedures for resolving disputes related to the NDA should be clearly outlined to facilitate prompt resolution and minimize disruptions to the business.

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